What is Edsby and how do I log in?

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What is Edsby and how do I log in?

4 min read

Edsby is ACS’ digital learning platform. This is where classroom and subject teachers post their course work, classroom activities, and schedules, and more. As the school year progresses, you will find that Edsby is used for much more than just classroom work. For example, we will use it for:

  • Attendance and planned absences
  • Groups (including sports teams, clubs, PAC, and much more)
  • Student course work and assignments (secondary students)
  • Report cards (secondary only for now)
  • Portfolio of students’ work
  • Permission forms (show up in your messages)
  • Calendar (personalized to each student, parents, and staff member)
  • Announcements (River of News along the top of your dashboard)

Prior to the start of each school year, new families will receive an email to set up their accounts. Clicking the link in this email will set up your Edsby account in seconds and you will be connected to the information regarding all of your children. All of your children will be merged on your one Edsby account.

Once this has been set up, you will go to and use the top section to login with your email and the password you selected. Students will use the lower login area for O365 accounts.

Note: If you do not receive the email or the link sent does not work, please fill in a Technical Support Ticket.

If you forget your password, simply use the “Forgot Password” link on the login page. 

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