Amy and I have a terrible work-life balance. We are both working nearly full-time right now, and that leaves little margin for the “extras.” What Now?! A few weeks ago, feeling the load from a busy week, and Amy swamped with all her responsibilities, we both found ourselves at the front reception at the same time. Ironically, the phone rang, and it was the elementary campus asking to speak to one of us. We caught each other’s eye (not in the romantic way) but in the “what now?!” kind of look that parents give when they get a call [...]
On rainy days at ACS Elementary, students love to gross out the teachers on supervision by showing them big, fat worms. To their giggling delight, the teachers respond as they hoped:“Ewwww! Gross!” Except when they bring the wiggling creatures to Nature Kindergarten teacher, Christine Beugelink. “Cool! Let me see!” she says, stopping them in their tracks, confused that she’s excited to check out the worms. Let's Take Them Outside! Fresh out of university, Christine [...]
To launch the Inside Out blog in 2015, we created this music video to introduce our brave writers. While some of the writers have changed since then, we still feel it celebrates the spirit of who we are and the types of stories we want to share with you. Enjoy!