It Takes a Village Resources
As mentioned at the Wisdom Talks event, we’re happy to provide you with the resources shared by panellists during the evening.
Not all of these resources reflect the views of Abbotsford Christian School and its policies, but we are sharing them because they have been helpful for the panelists in building a well of wisdom for themselves in their personal and professional lives.
Resources for helping students engage culture
Resources for helping our children form their faith
Devotions Apps: No devotional or app or show should ever replace the reading of Scripture. However, these apps can support or lead someone to Scripture.
Resources for helping our children be resilient in an anxious world
Books for parents to read:
- The Anxious Generation by Jonathan Haidt
- Anxious Kids, Anxious Parents by Reid Wilson and Lynn Lyons
- Parenting from the Inside Out by Daniel Siegel and Mary Hartzell
- The Blessing of the Skinned Knee by Wendy Mogel
- Free Range Kids by Lenore Skenazy
Documentary to watch with your teens:
- Screenagers, Growing Up in the Digital Age