
Join us in welcoming or welcoming back the following staff to ACS!


Cassidy Barks: Grade 3 Teacher. Cassidy will be returning to grade 3 after a one-year absence. We look forward to her rejoining our grade 3 team. Welcome back, Cassidy.

Aly Hayton: Educational Assistant. Aly will be joining the EA team this year. She has experience as a behaviour interventionist and early childhood education assistant. Aly has a passion for working with children and plans to become an elementary teacher. Welcome, Aly!

Hannah Heppell: Grade 4 Teacher. In grade 4, Hannah will be joining the teaching team. Hannah is a recent graduate from the UFV Teacher Program but worked at ACS as an EA in 2022-2023. We look forward to welcoming her back in her new role.

Amanda Hiebert: Educational Assistant. Amanda is a familiar face around our elementary campus; she completed her EA practicum with us in June. She recently graduated from the educational assistant program with Sprott Shaw College. Welcome, Amanda!

Joelle Kampman: Grade 2 Teacher. Joelle will be partnering with Hilda deWolde in 2A. With six years teaching experience in grades 1-3 at Unity Christian School, including a grade 1 job-share, we know she’s going to be a great addition to our grade 2 team. Joelle is an ACS alumni. Welcome, Joelle!

Kianna Karlson: Educational Assistant. Kianna completed a Bachelor of Theology in children’s ministry and has extensive experience working with children both in church and coaching settings. This past year, she worked as a behaviour interventionist with Pivot Point Family Growth Centre. Welcome, Kianna!

Heidi Kettner: Music Teacher. Heidi is our new elementary music teacher next year. She is coming with a wealth of experience in teaching and music instruction and we look forward to her continuing and developing our music program. Welcome, Heidi!

Sarah Konzelmann: Grade 3 Teacher. Sarah is a TWU grad and has spent the last year teaching in her hometown in Ontario. She is excited to return to the Fraser Valley and join our grade 3 team at ACS. Welcome, Sarah!

Anna Redekop: Physical Education and Health Teacher. With a passion for physical education, sports, and athletics and a wealth of experience as a PE teacher and coach, we welcome Anna to the elementary staff team as our PE teacher for kindergarten to grade 4 students.


Leah Adaniel: Grade 8 Teacher. Leah will be joining us from Redeemer University. She has spent the past several years leading school groups around the world on educational excursions. We are excited to have her join our grade 8 team next year and bring her experiences and energy to the classroom. Welcome, Leah!

Bethany Loewen: Grade 7 Teacher. Bethany has served as a TOC at our elementary campus this past year. Her own children attend ACS, and she is ready to step back into a part-time teaching role. She has experience teaching middle-aged students and is eager to join our grade 7 team, team teaching with Christy Boulter one day a week. Welcome, Bethany!

Nadja Reimer: Educational Assistant. Nadja has her community support worker certificate and recently graduated from Columbia Bible College with a diploma in applied leadership. She has extensive experience working with children working in church, coaching, and school settings. Welcome, Nadja!

Eliot Siebenga: Educational Assistant. Eliot is a familiar face around ACS, as he has been working as a guest EA in the middle school already. He is completing his Bachelor of Arts in history and plans on becoming a teacher. Eliot is an ACS alumni. Welcome, Eliot!


Eric Atsma: Science and Physical Health Education Teacher. Eric comes to us from Unity Christian where he’s spent the last 10 years teaching a variety of subjects at their secondary school campus. Eric is excited to work at the school where his children attend and joining our ACS community in this new way. Welcome, Eric!

Roselyn Dyck: Educational Assistant. Roselyn has a passion for supporting both children and adults with diverse abilities and has a wide variety of experience (Bethesda, CLBC H.O.M.E Society, Communitas, Heritage Christian Online). She is looking forward to walking alongside students here at ACS and her expertise in working one-on-one with students and adults will be a great addition to our staff!  Welcome, Roselyn!

Cooper Gerbrandt: Science and Mathematics Teacher. Cooper is a recent graduate from Trinity Western University’s Education program. He has a passion for students, science, and mathematics. He completed his certifying practicum here at our secondary campus and comes to us with a lot of experience leading at summer camps. Welcome, Cooper!

Lauren Greenwood: English Language Learner (ELL) Teacher. Lauren isn’t new to ACS; she was the elementary ELL teacher 11 years ago prior to going on maternity leave. She comes to us with a BA from Trinity Western University, a TESL certificate, and a wealth of experience as both an ESL teacher and IELTS examiner. Welcome, Lauren!

Jenna Loewen: Educational Assistant. Jenna recently graduated from the University of the Fraser Valley with a Bachelor of Arts degree with a focus on English and history. Jenna also has extensive experience as a church youth leader, and she is passionate about supporting and encouraging teens as they grow in their faith. Welcome, Jenna!

Janet Meacham: English Language Learner (ELL) Teacher. Originally from South Africa, Janet holds a BA with English and PE majors, a teaching diploma in higher education, and a Level 5 TEFL course. She has three children at ACS and currently works part-time with Multiply, Abbotsford as a partner care liaison and writer. Welcome, Janet!

Lindsay McGrail: Social Studies and Law Teacher. Lindsay joined our staff to cover a maternity leave position this spring, but we are excited to welcome her to our staff for the 2024-2025 school year as well! Lindsay is an alumnus of ACS and has recently completed her teacher training at UBCO. Welcome, Lindsay!

Mitchell Schat: Mechanics Teacher.  Mitchell joined us after spring break and is excited to be our new mechanics teacher! Mitchell is well acquainted with ACS as he is a 2006 alumnus. He is a red seal technician and has a diploma from Columbia Bible College in outdoor leadership with a focus in biblical studies. We’re excited and blessed to have such a passionate and experienced person lead our mechanics program. Welcome, Mitchell!

Kimberly Scheper: Educational Assistant. Kimberly is currently completing her Bachelor of Science in Biology at Redeemer University and she has a passion for Christian education and plans to complete her teacher training in the future. In the meantime, she is looking forward to gaining further experience in a Christian school setting. Welcome, Kimberly!

Dan Verbeek: Humanities and Physical Health Education Teacher.  Dan was a long-standing teacher at our middle school campus. After taking some time away, he’s excited to join us at the secondary campus for the 2024-2025 school year. Dan has a passion for discipling students and helping them as they navigate an ever changing and complex world. Welcome back, Dan!

Hailey Whiteley: Educational Assistant. Hailey recently completed her EA practicum at the secondary campus this spring and recently graduated from the Educational Assistant program at Columbia Bible College. Hailey is looking forward to continuing to connect with colleagues and students at ACS in the upcoming school year. Welcome, Hailey!

Administration Office

Jacquie Busink: Financial Assistant. Jacquie helped the finance department on a temporary basis and is now joining the team on a part-time basis. She is an ACS alumn, a parent, and serves on the board. Welcome, Jacquie!

Janice Kampman: Financial Assistant. Janice started part-time on May 20 and has been a welcome addition to the team. Janice has been a part of the school community for a long time as an alum, a parent, and now as a staff member. Welcome, Janice!

Tracy Van Huizen: Director of Advancement. Tracy started with ACS back on January 1, as we welcomed her to the school back then. Welcome again, Tracy!

Amber Watson: International Program Coordinator. In January, Amber returned from maternity leave and we are glad to have back with us on a part-time basis. Welcome back, Amber!

Moving/Changing Positions Within ACS

Krista Brandsma:  Krista has been at the elementary the last few years teaching grade 4, and now she is moving up to middle school. She has kids at the middle, secondary, and graduated! She brings with her a wealth of teaching experience and enthusiasm. We are blessed to have her join Bethany Bakker in a part-time capacity next year.

Saúl Carvajal is making the “long trek” from his grade 8 classroom to the secondary campus. Saúl has taught grade 8 humanities this past year at our middle campus and is moving over to the secondary campus where he will be teaching some Spanish courses. We’re excited to have him share his passions for languages with us and our students.

Jami Derejko is moving from the secondary to the middle school. She will be stepping into a learning support services coordinator role next year in a full-time capacity. For the past six years she served in our international department at the secondary. Jami has experience working alongside students with diverse needs and she has vast experience in ELL programming (both as a director and coordinator). Her skill set will compliment an already awesome LSS team. 

Melissa Dick has a passion for humanities and will be joining our secondary campus next year. She taught grade 1 at our elementary campus for the past four years and is excited to share her passion for humanities with secondary students. Her original teaching practicum was at the secondary level and she’s looking forward to building relationships with our students.

Mike Riezebos is stepping into the role of interim executive director for the 2024-2025 school year. He has worked at ACS for the past 15 years as a secondary teacher, vice principal, and secondary campus principal. He is excited to work alongside the school board and system wide staff in the administrative office.

Teresa Spyksma has graciously accepted the role as interim secondary campus principal. She has been at the secondary campus for the past 10 years serving as a learning support services coordinator and vice principal. Teresa is a valuable member of the secondary admin team and has the support of staff and leadership as she leads the secondary campus for the 2024-2025 school year.


We are sad to say goodbye to the following staff members; join us in thanking everyone below for their many contributions to our ACS community! We have been blessed by them and we pray for God’s direction, protection, and blessing as they move on to a new season of their life.


Sharon Allan: Educational Assistant. Since 2011, Sharon has faithfully served in the role as EA in various K-5 classrooms. At the end of this year, she will be retiring. We celebrate that milestone with her and extend our best wishes and God’s blessings on this new stage of life.

Everly Brown: Educational Assistant. Everly and her husband have decided that following her maternity leave she is going to be staying at home with Tatum. We have appreciated her work at the elementary campus as an EA over the last two years and wish her joy and fulfillment in her full-time parenting role.

Kayla Ellsworth: Grade 3 Teacher. Following two years in grade 3 at ACS, Kayla will be taking on a part-time position in grade 5 at MEI. Kayla be missed in her grade level team as well as on our chapel praise team. Blessings on your work in your new position and new school, Kayla.

Avril Enns: Educational Assistant. This year, Avril has been part of the LSS team primarily working in grade 2. Avril has brought a joyful and youthful energy to our team in her work with students. In September Avril will be attending UBC to further her studies in counselling. We will miss Avril and wish her God’s richest blessings as she pursues her education.

Lindsay Gilmour: Educational Assistant. Lindsay will begin a new role in June when, together with her husband, they welcome their new baby. We look forward to meeting this little one when Lindsay and the baby visit during her maternity leave next year.

Irene Johanson: Grade 4 Teacher. This summer, Irene is moving to Alberta with her family, making the commute to ACS very challenging. Sadly, she is not returning to grade 4 this fall. Since 2006, we have valued her years of service at ACS. Blessings on your work and life in Alberta, Irene.

Ruth MacKenzie: Kindergarten Teacher. Ruth was on maternity leave this past school year and will not be returning next year. We will miss Ruth and wish her God’s richest blessings!

Rosie McCarty: Grade 1 Teacher. Rosie and her husband are moving closer to family in Kelowna this summer and she is looking forward to teaching grade 1/2 at Okanagan Christian School next year. Her caring and thoughtful personality will be missed by her students and colleagues at the elementary campus. God’s blessings on your future, Rosie.

Cara Neufeld: Early Childhood Educator.  Cara will not be returning to our Seamless Day program. We will miss her and wish her God’s blessings on her future!

Melanie Rae: Music Specialist. Melanie is planning a move to Ontario with her family this summer. While we always hoped she’d finish her career teaching music at ACS, after 29 years of fond memories we are saying goodbye to her at the end of the year. You will be missed, Melanie.

Angela Ross: Grade 3 Teacher. After filling a leave in grade 3, Angela will be returning to on-call teaching and pursuing her other life goals and passions. We are deeply grateful for her work and care for students this year. God’s blessings to you, Angela.

Rita Schouten: Educational Assistant. Rita has worked at ACS as an EA for the past 14 years! She has played a huge role on the kindergarten team, supporting student and teachers. Rita is looking forward to retiring in June and plans to spend her time travelling, gardening, and playing with her grandkids. Although we will miss Rita at ACS, we are excited for her as she begins this new journey in retirement.

Middle School

Tia Bakker: Grade 8 Teacher. Tia came to ACMS from Ontario in 2023. We are thankful for the work she has done with our students from coaching to homeroom teacher to coordinator. We wish her God’s richest blessings as she returns to Ontario.

Cindy Brown: Educational Assistant. Cindy came to ACS last year and is moving on to other endeavours. We wish her God’s blessings next year!

Kristina Eden: Educational Assistant. Kristina worked as an EA for the past four years and has decided not to return next year. We wish her God’s blessings next year!

Tamara Goertzen: Educational Assistant. This past year, Tamara worked as an EA primarily in grade 7. Tamara has been a wonderful asset to the LSS team, showing dedication and commitment to all her students. Tamara, we wish you all the best as you pursue your teaching certificate in your professional develop program next year!

Julie Letourneau: Learning Support Services Coordinator. Julie will be taking a year leave of absence from ACS. She has served our school in so many ways for the past six years and has always shown a willingness to step into roles and do what is best for our students. We thank her for her service and wish her well over this next year. 

Sienna Maarhuis: Educational Assistant. Sienna has been an integral part of the middle school LSS team this past year. Her flexibility and determination for success with her students will be missed. Next year, Sienna hopes to do some travelling and complete missions work abroad with her husband. We will miss you next year, Sienna!

Isabella Paul: Educational Assistant. After a year working as an EA in grade 5, we are saying goodbye to Isabella as she pursues her master’s degree in counselling. Her determination and hard work will be missed by the ACS community! Blessings on your future, Isabella!

Heather Ridder: Educational Assistant. Heather has been on maternity leave and has decided not to return next year. We wish her and her family God’s blessings next year!


Heather Belanger: Educational Assistant. We have been blessed to have Heather as part of the LSS team, both on-call and full-time, over the past four years.  Heather will be getting married this fall, and is looking forward to continuing to pursue her many gifts and passions. We wish you God’s blessings in your new endeavours!

Marvin Bravo: School Counsellor. Marvin announced that this is his last year at ACS. He is following God’s calling to expand his private practice to holistically meet the needs of families. While at ACS, Marvin blessed the students and community with his expertise, team-based approach to student support services, passion for worship and commitment to educating the whole child. God’s richest blessings on you, Marvin, in this next chapter of your life!

Anna-Maria Cormack: Educational Assistant. Anna-Maria and her husband welcomed their first child earlier in 2024.. Anna has been a wonderful addition to our EA team these past few years, and we are excited for her in her new role as a mother.

Tess Houweling: English/French/Humanities Teacher. Tess and her husband welcomed their first child into the world in April. We are so excited for them; we’re already looking to find ways to find the perfect combo of French/English teaching to take on her unique teaching load. She’s a talented linguist! Blessings to you, Tess, as you begin a new chapter in your life!

Patrick Naayer: History Teacher.  Patrick informed us that this will be his last year at ACS. Over 26 years, he has built amazing relationships with his students, and our staff, as well as shared his gift of storytelling with many of us over the years. Blessings on you, Patrick, as you discern what the next part of your story will be.

Sarah Neufeldt: Educational Assistant. Sarah joined the LSS team for the past four months. Sarah will be returning to school this fall to start her Bachelor of Education degree at UFV.  We wish you God’s blessings as you continue to pursue your education!

Alaira Peterson: Educational Assistant. Alaira joined the LSS team full-time this year. She recently completed her education and is looking forward to working in a clinic nearby as a Registered Acupuncturist this fall.  May the Lord bless you as you pursue what He has in store next for you!

Gary Verbeek: Mechanics Teacher. Gary is retiring after this school year. He has been a hallmark at the secondary campus, developing an amazing shop program and discipling many students over his 35 years at ACS. Blessings as you seek to find new ways to use your gifts and abilities in this next chapter in life.


Nicole Hamm: Financial Assistant.  After five years as the financial assistant, Nicole left the position right after spring break and is pursuing other things. We wish Nicole blessings on her new endeavours.

Julius Siebenga: Executive Director.  After 17 years at the school, Julius accepted a Head of School position at another school and will be moving there full-time starting in January, 2025. He is staying in a part time role until December, 31,2024.  We will miss his steady leadership and wish him all the best as he moves to a different Christian school community.