Do you love ACS and want to have a long-lasting impact on our community?
The Abbotsford Christian School Legacy Foundation gives you many lasting ways of blessing our community now and for future generations.
Through our partnership with the Canada-wide Christian School Foundation we have access to resources and partners who have helped many people achieve their charitable goals. And CSF knows what they are doing. They’ve been drawing Christian schools and donors together for the influence of Christ for over 20 years! For more information on Christian Schools Foundation and their expertise, check out their 2022 Annual Report.
Giving to the ACS Legacy Foundation results in a positive impact now and into the future, with a number of funds designed to equip our community in high-needs areas. Plus, giving a legacy gift can reduce and re-directing taxes to a cause you care about! When people are in times of transition in their lives – selling a business or other assets, moving to assisted living – there are opportunities to re-direct the taxes that would otherwise be paid to the government. How much more exciting to support the mission and vision of ACS!
Long-Term Fund
The Long-Term fund supports the school’s future operations wherever funds may be needed. Gifts made to this fund are invested and disbursements are made to the school on an annual basis.
Family Tuition Fund
The Family Tuition Relief Fund makes Christian education accessible and affordable by assisting families who would like to attend Abbotsford Christian School and are unable to afford tuition.
Facilities Stewardship Fund
This fund supports enhancements to our facilities, new projects, and future capital expansion needs.
Student Technology Fund
This fund is used to increase the school’s digital tools and provide access to technology to support all students as they become Christ-focused digital citizens.
Valuing Our Teachers Fund
The Valuing our Teachers Fund supports our long-term goal of increasing salaries and professional development in appreciation of our staff and faculty in the work that they do.
Learning Support Services Fund
This funds directly supports our Learning Support Services department that provides the support needed for students who require additional supports for their learning staying committed to our inclusive model of service.
Program Development Fund
ACS has a variety of programs that require additional funding to remain sustainable. This fund will support those programs.
Ready to donate?
Thank you for supporting Christian education at ACS!
The button below will take you directly to our funds to complete your donation.