Faith is the foundational core that guides and shapes each person’s life.
ACS’ curriculum is an expression of our response to God’s invitation to faith in Jesus Christ. Young people, moved by the Holy Spirit, come to trust and serve God as they learn how God reveals Himself in creation, in the Bible, and through Jesus Christ.
Curriculum & Culture
Christian Worldview in Everything
Our Christian worldview is integrated into every aspect of learning, from math and mechanics to art and history. We encourage curiosity, creativity, and collaboration, as we develop and use our God-given gifts to meet real needs in our community, partnering with Christ in his work of restoration.
A culture of worship
While we firmly believe our faith should appear in every aspect of our school life, we also prioritize a culture of worship that allows us to celebrate God together. Through chapels at all three campuses, prayer ministry, and a theme Scripture for each year, we strive to keep our focus where it belongs – honouring our Lord and Saviour through all we do!
Joyful Sounds & Joyful Harmony (elementary)
Touching God’s People Through Music
Learning through music is not only good for our students – our community loves it too!
Our elementary students have the opportunity to participate in the Joyful Sounds and Joyful Harmony, a fabulous way for them to learn musicality while learning God’s heart for worship. A combined choir and barred instrument ensemble meets weekly at lunch break and every few weeks after school for rehearsal. This group performs at chapels, at community venues such as seniors’ homes and events, the annual Honorary Members banquet, and wherever the need or opportunity arises!

Run for water (Elementary)
Learning to help God’s Children Globally
Participating in the Run for Water campaign teaches students about challenges facing other communities globally- and about how WE can help.
For over 15 years, ACS Elementary has been involved in Abbotsford’s Run for Water campaign in May, under the umbrella of the Mennonite Central Committee (MCC). Run for Water partners with Ethiopian communities to bring clean water, ensures girls’ education and involves local leaders in the process. Our school has raised over $8000 per year for children in Ethiopia and is integral to implementing a hands-on curriculum, involving students to learn about the clean water crisis. Each year the elementary campus raises funds, learns about clean water and puts on a ‘mini-run’ to cap off the event. We encourage each student to participate in using their gifts and skills to raise money. $35 provides clean drinking water for one person for life! We want students to know they can make a difference!

Grade 8 service module (middle)
Learning to serve practically, right where we are
As part of our grade 8 Exploratories program
every grade 8 students takes part in a service module. Students spend time off-campus volunteering in their community in support of non-profit organizations that depend on volunteers. Students learn the value of serving in the community and experience firsthand how their service impacts those they are serving and how the posture of service shapes their faith.

Global Intercultural Studies (Secondary)
Practicing a Lifestyle & Posture of Service
Through the Global Intercultural Studies courses and service modules, students are encouraged to serve in their community.
This student-led opportunity creates awareness of the different organizations that rely on volunteers to meet the needs of others in local, regional, and global communities. Through these service opportunities, our students’ lives are transformed as they learn the value of loving, serving, and meeting the needs of others, just as Jesus modeled. They recount stories of personal transformation and continued interest in pursuing service in various sectors of socioeconomic empowerment, ministry, and outreach.

Nicaragua partnership (Secondary)
Exploring how God is at work in lives vastly different than our own.
Since 2010 ACS has partnered with our sister school, Centro de Fe, located in the centre of Managua, Nicaragua.
Our teams of staff and students connect with those of our sister school through a unique cultural service-learning exchange that has deeply impacted the lives of all involved. Our students become keen discoverers of Nicaraguan culture, exploring how God is at work in lives vastly different than our own. Construction projects, sports, playing games, and worshipping together provide beautiful opportunities to make powerful connections in spite of the language barrier.