We’re looking forward to seeing you on Tuesday, September 3, and are busy getting ready to welcome students on campus and into our classrooms! We ask for your grace and patience as we establish a school community that is safe and that supports our students in their learning.


  • The first day is a full day for grades 1-4 with regular school hours (8:25 am – 2:50 pm).
  • When students arrive on Tuesday, September 3, teachers, the principal, the vice principal, and educational assistants will be walking around outside, greeting students and families, and directing them to their entrance doors.
  • Exterior doors will be clearly labeled to help students find their entrance.
  • Classroom doors will open at 8:20 am and students can come inside. At 8:30 am school begins. After the first day, when students arrive after 8:30 am they will need to check in at the office before going to class.
  • Parents, for the first few days, you are welcome to walk your child to their classroom entrance, however as these areas are congested, we encourage you to say good-bye to your child(ren) outside classroom doors, in the parking lot, or in the drop-off zone, whenever possible. Teachers and other staff members will help your child get settled in.
  • At the end of the day, please be patient as you wait for your child(ren) to come to you. It will be a really busy time and again we ask you to respect the dismissal routines teachers are establishing with the students.
  • With parking at a premium and the roads busy, please be courteous to our community members. Try to leave our school parking lot as soon as you have your children so there is space for another car to pull in.
  • Our first day chapel will be held in the gym at 9:45 am. Parents are welcome.
  • We love our teachers at ACS! We want this to be a school community where they want to teach for many years. Please help us give our teachers a healthy work/home balance by respecting their time at home. Avoid emailing and communicating on the weekends, especially on Sundays. Thanks for your understanding.

CLASS LISTS 2024-2025

At the end of the school year, teachers of each grade level meet to make a careful, initial division of classes. The teachers look for combinations of students who work well together, considering the best academic, social, and emotional needs of each child. The first drafts of the class lists are then shared with the learning support services team and the principal. This second level of discussion often produces some changes. The lists were then emailed home in early July. When the teachers return in late August, the lists are carefully reviewed once again. When everyone is satisfied that the wisest possible decisions have been made, the lists are finalized, emailed out to families a second time. In cases when students or parents are disappointed, it will help to know how carefully these decisions have been made. The teachers and principals appreciate the support that parents show us in this area. 

An email with a link to the class lists will be sent to K-4 families today, Wednesday, at 3:00 pm.


View the elementary bell schedule >>

On Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday, students who regularly arrive before 7:55 am need to enrol in the Seamless Day Childcare program.

On Thursdays (late start), childcare is available in the elementary library starting at 7:45 am. Parents are required to sign students in.

On regular school days, students who are regularly waiting to be picked up by 3:15 pm or later, need to enrol in the Seamless Day Childcare program.


Not sure where you are going? Download the elementary campus map.


There is a yellow NO STOPPING area at the entrance to the elementary campus. This area allows the buses to make the turn without having to wait on Old Clayburn Road, which will make traffic flow more smoothly. Please respect this zone, whether you approach the school from the north or the south.

Please do not leave your vehicle unattended in the pick-up and drop-off lane. This lane is intended as a drive-through lane between 8:00-8:35 am and 2:45-3:10 pm.

We simply expect courteous and law-abiding behaviour from all drivers. Remember when you park off-campus, you still represent our school with your driving/parking decisions. Thank you!


REMINDER: Several of our community members in preschool and elementary classes have a serious nut allergies. For everyone’s safety, ALL nuts and products with nut ingredients must be kept at home. Please keep this in mind as you plan your child’s lunches and snacks.


As a school, we offer a “shuttle bus” that operates between our campuses. This service is free, however your child MUST be registered to use this service. Each family will need to sign up each child, as they will be assigned a seat on a specific bus to use throughout the year. 


Our before- and after-school care pilot program, Seamless Day Childcare, still has a few spots available and is excited to welcome kindergarten to grade 4 students to the program this fall. If you are interested in what the program has to offer or have questions, please contact Denise Konynenbelt or Jessica Schuurman.


Download a copy of the elementary school supply list.


Parents are welcome to join us for chapel this year. Our first day chapel is on Tuesday, September 3 at 9:45 am.


We welcome these new staff to ACS Elementary:

  • Cassidy Barks: Grade 3 teacher, back from her maternity leave
  • Hannah Heppell: Grade 4 teacher
  • Joelle Kampman: Grade 2 teacher
  • Heidi Kettner: Music teacher
  • Sarah Konzelmann: Grade 3 teacher
  • Anna Redekop: Physical education teacher

We also have several new educational assistants:

  • Janae deRegt
  • Ally Hayton
  • Amanda Hiebert
  • Kianna Karlson
  • Hannah Stevens


EARLY DISMISSAL: Friday September 6. All students will be dismissed at 12:00 pm.

WELCOME BACK BBQ: Please join us in celebrating the start of a new school year as a community on Friday, September 6 at the middle/secondary campus. Bring the family and enjoy the evening as we celebrate God’s faithfulness. The event is from 4:30-7:00 pm. More details will be shared in the e-Messenger.

MEET, GREET, AND ENJOY A TREAT: Elementary students and parents – welcome to a new year! On Thursday, September 12, 5:30-7:00 pm join us at the elementary campus to connect with your classroom teachers, elementary staff, and fellow ACS families. Stop by the classroom first to meet and greet your teachers, then head outside to the playground to enjoy a treat and play on the playground. Weather permitting.

INDIVIDUAL PHOTO DAY: Tuesday, September 17 for all students except KA and any student who missed school on Tuesday. Those photos will be taken on Wednesday, September 18.

In His Service,

Elementary School Principal