Please fill in the following form upon completion of your project. You will be asked to upload at least five photos and any documents you would like to share with other educators. Please have these ready prior to filling in your form. 

After submission, your form will be forwarded to the VP of curriculum at your campus as well as loaded to the ACS project portfolio on our website. 

Deeper Learning Fund Project Summary

What challenges and celebrations were there and what changes would you make for the next iteration?

How has this influenced your students and their learning? Please include at least one quote directly from a student.

Please provide at least five high resolution photos. Photos with students' face are allowed.

Allowed file types: jpg, jpeg, png, gif

Please upload any documents you are willing to share with other educators. These could be rubrics, presentation files, or sample student work. Please do not include any identifying student information.

Allowed File Types: jpg, jpeg, png, gif, pdf, doc, docx, pptx, pub, xls, xlsx, mp4, wmv, mov