In case of severe weather, you will find all school closure and related announcements in the locations below by 6:30 am.
NOTE: We will no longer be posting weather updates on this page. Please use one of the methods below to check for announcements.
- ACS messaging system at 604.755.1891
- ACS’ Facebook Page
- Edsby News River Announcements
How Do We Decide to Close School at ACS Due to Inclement Weather?
We close school at ACS when the weather conditions are severe. This is to protect our families, staff, and students (almost all who commute or ride the bus) from unsafe road conditions and parking lot drop-off and pick-up concerns. When possible, we try to make the decision the night before.
Decision Making Process
5:30 am: Leadership Team looks at the weather, forecast, bus system, parking lot, and Drive BC for road conditions.
5:45 am: Leadership Team collaborates on the decision by email and cell phone conferencing.
6:00 – 6:30 am: Team makes the call on school closure or not, informs appropriate media, and posts the information on ACS’ Facebook page and Edsby.
6:45 – 7:30 am: Leadership Team reviews the decision and if the conditions haven’t changed significantly, upholds the original decision. If the conditions have changed, the decision changes by 7:30 am.
Thank you for understanding the complexity of the decision making process and adjusting your schedules and plans accordingly on these unpredictable days.