You have a lot of choices in life. And the school you choose for your children is a pretty important one!
With all the options out there, we’d love to let you know why we think ACS is unique. From part-time kindergarten and a full music & French program, to real world learning and a great athletics program, we think we have something pretty special going on.
The mission of Abbotsford Christian School is simple, but clear: “Engaging minds, nurturing hearts, and shaping God’s world.” It might not be a lot of words, but it is sure packed with meaning for us. So what do each of these phrases mean? What does this mission look like in real life? Here’s the answer:

ENGAGING MINDS means that teachers create an environment where students become naturally curious to interact with their learning, and then use those discoveries to solve real-world problems.

NURTURING HEARTS means that we are interested in developing the character of our students. We do this through significant adult-student relationships, with the big picture view of developing traits like responsibility, empathy, integrity, courage, and respect.

SHAPING GOD’S WORLD means we don’t just prepare students to impact the world after graduation, we do it now—in real time, with real learning. We believe in being agents of Christ in this world—coming alongside our Saviour in the process of renewal. There is no greater calling!

Project-based learning is involving students in real work, with a real need, for a real audience. Often it is multi-disciplinary (like the real world), it includes 21st Century skills (like collaboration and use of technology), it includes a significant entry event, it answers a driving question, it connects students to adults in industry, it stretches their inquiry, it has a social justice component, and it requires a presentation. One project included the secondary foods and biology classes combining to host a banquet of sustainable seafood for parents, community members, and professionals. All of this occurs in the context of what it means to SHAPE GOD’S WORLD in this 21st Century.
As image bearers of our King, we believe that in partnership with parents, our responsibility as educators is to develop students from the inside out. So in age appropriate ways: we focus on their faith and identity as a Christian, we seek to develop original thought, and we teach students how to think as opposed to just what to think. It’s not about academic excellence that will determine the quality of life of the child (although important); it’s a whole-person perspective that builds a strong Christian worldview to equip them to SHAPE GOD’S WORLD and live into His vision for them.

There is a considerable amount of risk and innovation involved in being an entrepreneur. We believe this type of person SHAPES GOD’S WORLD and we set up our education to reflect attaining this in age appropriate ways (see project-based learning above). At ACS, we encourage our staff and students to be book-smart, but also street-smart, to think outside the box, and have a high Emotional Quotient.
We believe that every child deserves to have their full potential realized. Every child is unique and has a different set of strengths. We want to pattern our structures, our teaching styles, and our strategies to tailor to the needs of each individual student. As a community, we do this through relationships as we seek to know each child. We want each student to feel they belong so they feel safe and secure to learn and realize their potential.

We’d love you to see for yourself everything we’re talking about!
Feel free to check out our admissions section for details on how to get the process started, determine your family’s tuition rate, or download a sample application package.