Learning Support Services

Abbotsford Christian School believes that all students, regardless of their physical, academic, social, and emotional needs, have an essential role to play in the school community. They are all to be valued as members of the Body of Christ. On the basis of this belief, an inclusive model of education has been set up whereby all students are educated with their same-aged peers in regular classrooms as much as possible. The Learning Support Services (LSS) program provides appropriate inclusive education to meet the unique needs of exceptional learners.


This program serves those students who the BC Ministry of Education defines as “a student who has a disability of an intellectual, physical, sensory, emotional or behavioural nature, has a learning disability, or has special gifts or talents.” (Special Education Services: Manual of Policies, Procedures, and Guidelines). Under the provincial Independent Schools program, Abbotsford Christian School is eligible for supplementary funding for students with specific needs such as hearing loss, developmental delays, serious illnesses, cerebral palsy, autism, behavioural needs, or medically diagnosed social and emotional needs. Students in the program are supported by the classroom teacher, educational assistant (s) if needed, and the Learning Support Services coordinator. Other professionals may also be called in to be part of the student’s inclusive education plan (IEP).

As applications for admission to the school are received, any applications and supporting documents that indicate a need for additional support will be reviewed by the Director of Learning Support Services and discussed with the principal. Applications will be considered in the context of the current number of students in each grade and campus who are part of the Learning Support Services program. Parents will be made aware as early as possible in the admissions process if the school is unable to offer an educational program. The processing of student applications and providing appropriate services and accommodations for these new students will be financed through the Learning Support Services program.


Classroom teachers work in partnership with Learning Support Services to meet the needs of all learners in the classroom by providing high quality differentiated instruction and universal supports. When classroom supports and interventions are not enough to address the needs of a student, parents will be notified and the teacher will make a referral to the Learning Support Services coordinators. If formal student assessments are required, parents will be contacted by the coordinator. Some students may receive support through a student learning plan (SLP) which typically takes place in the classroom and may include an educational assistant working with individual students or small groups. Our educational assistants are an integral part of our classroom communities and often they work with any student who may need support.