Feb 14, 2014

No Hugging and Other Lessons from Basketball

By |2014-02-14T07:02:55-08:00February 14, 2014|Athletics, Middle School|0 Comments

This is the time of year when I wear a lot of different hats. The other day I was trying to wrap my head around all of them—grade 8 math and science teacher, Rice Raiser organizer, Sunday School coordinator, daughter, sister, wife, and mom, to name a few. Plus (for a few more weeks, at [...]

Feb 12, 2014

Pit Crew

By |2014-02-12T04:04:59-08:00February 12, 2014|Parenting|1 Comment

“I can’t imagine what it’s like getting 3 girls out the door on time every morning!” The sympathetic bus driver had just pulled off the road (ok, after I frantically blinked my lights and swerved a few times) and kindly shouted this out the window. We were late, again. What was it this time? “Oh, [...]

Feb 10, 2014

Three Things I Learned From My Father

By |2014-02-10T07:13:36-08:00February 10, 2014|Relationships, Secondary|1 Comment

I grew up in the heart of the city of Vancouver’s west side in a little neighborhood called Kerrisdale. But although I am a city boy, my father, a family physician, taught my twin brother and I how to live like we were from the country. I think it is because my father wanted his [...]

Feb 7, 2014

Be Afraid, Fearless Students!

By |2014-02-07T07:34:22-08:00February 7, 2014|Elementary, Technology|1 Comment

In early December, I received a direct Twitter message from a friend that said, “If you wish to grow thinner, diminish your dinner” (a Benjamin Franklin quote). I was somewhat baffled, as this message seemed to be completely out of context. When I went onto Twitter however, the context was made clear. Apparently, someone had [...]

Jan 24, 2014

Fruit or Vegetable?

By |2014-01-24T17:35:30-08:00January 24, 2014|Faith, Science, Secondary|2 Comments

When I was 10, I was a fundamentalist. It was then that I learned in science class that the tomato was a fruit. It's likely that, armed with this new information, I sallied forth to do battle against ignorance—or, rather, against the ignorant. I'd approach my unsuspecting victim and say, "Tomatoes are fruit." Predictably, they'd [...]

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