Jun 6, 2014

The Year of the One-Eared Bunny

By |2014-06-06T07:16:37-07:00June 6, 2014|Elementary|0 Comments

“Nice dance moves, Buddy!” I wasn’t sure what my brother, calling from Edmonton, was talking about. But then he noted that he had recently seen the Inside Out launch video and proceeded to regale me with how much his daughter—my niece—was killing herself laughing at her Uncle Seth dancing in the library with his students. [...]

May 30, 2014

Mud, Meddling, and Make Believe

By |2014-05-30T07:25:48-07:00May 30, 2014|Elementary, Whole Child Education|0 Comments

“Yeah! My son came home covered in mud again. He wasn't pushed but said that he told the older boys he didn't want to slide but they kept on telling him to slide. I know the responsibility lies with him to walk away or speak up, but I can’t help thinking the other moms don’t appreciate the muddy clothes either. [...]

May 26, 2014

Not-So-Square and Other Renovation Tales

By |2014-05-26T07:07:17-07:00May 26, 2014|Faith, Middle School|0 Comments

Renovations.  It's a word that sends a chill deep into my bones. You see, in my house, renovations actually mean I have to do the work. No contractors, no professionals involved.  So when my wife and I agreed it was time to renovate the downstairs bathroom, I got a little nervous. With all the confidence of [...]

May 14, 2014

FaceTime Faux-Pas

By |2014-05-14T07:37:03-07:00May 14, 2014|Parenting, Secondary, Technology|2 Comments

I know it’s not very lady-like, but sometimes I burp.   It probably wasn't the best time to let go of one of those big bellywonkers, but it happened right as I walked into my daughter’s room. Me: "Braack…whatcha doing?" A: "My homework…and, say hi to Zoe." Me: (recoiling in shame) "When did Zoe get [...]

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