Jul 7, 2014

Lazy Parenting

By |2014-07-07T10:10:17-07:00July 7, 2014|Parenting|1 Comment

by Tanya KienekerSometimes we feel like very lazy parents. It’s true. We hear stories from friends about the adventurous things they've done with their kids—going on hikes, camping along the Baja, attending concerts… (Don’t even get me started on Disney Land or family camps!)And us? We prefer to stay at home and make the kids [...]

Jul 2, 2014

Is it OK to Use a Pencil and Other Ethical Questions

By |2014-07-02T07:37:21-07:00July 2, 2014|Faith, Secondary|1 Comment

I was asking my Humanities 9 students a series of questions in preparation for a research project. "Is it OK to use a pencil?" "Is it OK to use an apple (to make pie, for instance)?" "Is it OK to use a chicken (to make pie, for instance)?" Most answered yes to all of the [...]

Jun 13, 2014

The Hills Are Alive with the Sound of Teenagers

By |2014-06-13T07:27:22-07:00June 13, 2014|Middle School, Whole Child Education|0 Comments

The last months of grade 8 are a flurry of activity, and believe it or not, our end-of-the-year trip to Camp Kawkawa actually gives teachers and students a chance to catch our collective breath. Sure, we have lots of great stuff planned to make the most of our time at camp, but a big part [...]

Jun 6, 2014

The Year of the One-Eared Bunny

By |2014-06-06T07:16:37-07:00June 6, 2014|Elementary|0 Comments

“Nice dance moves, Buddy!” I wasn’t sure what my brother, calling from Edmonton, was talking about. But then he noted that he had recently seen the Inside Out launch video and proceeded to regale me with how much his daughter—my niece—was killing herself laughing at her Uncle Seth dancing in the library with his students. [...]

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