Mar 2, 2015

Now It’s Your Turn

By |2015-03-02T06:57:25-08:00March 2, 2015|Custom-Fit Education, Elementary, Relationships|0 Comments

To the educational assistant who shares this classroom with me: I know you've heard me say thank-you to the students in the class, maybe for excellent behaviour or for doing great work, for sharing their thoughts on a topic or helping out a peer, perhaps for all the pictures, cards, paintings, and notes that cover [...]

Feb 24, 2015

Boiled Octopus Anyone?

By |2015-02-24T07:41:43-08:00February 24, 2015|Celebrating, Secondary|0 Comments

by Karlena Koot I wasn’t prepared to eat boiled octopus. Even after months of preparation, language classes, cultural lessons, packing, watching anime online, and praying, nothing could have prepared me for that. We were, however, warned about the copious amounts of rice and seafood. We were told that the language would be a barrier, that [...]

Feb 20, 2015

When Teachers Run Out of Good Ideas

By |2015-02-20T07:01:47-08:00February 20, 2015|Relationships, Secondary|1 Comment

I couldn’t believe he belched in my class—and it was on purpose. This was my first year as a teacher, teaching grade 7. This guy was full of energy, and a bit of a stinker too, so I had my hands full. Being so new to the profession, I hadn't developed the instincts for dealing [...]

Feb 13, 2015

If You Give a Middle School Teacher a Minute…

By |2015-02-13T07:01:54-08:00February 13, 2015|Middle School, Relationships|1 Comment

If you give a middle school teacher a minute, She might want to grab a fresh cup of coffee. As she’s heading out to the staff room, A student might beg her to stay and supervise while he microwaves his popcorn. While they are waiting, they’ll get into a conversation about his castle design and [...]

Feb 10, 2015

Teenagers Get a Bad Rap

By |2015-02-10T07:05:03-08:00February 10, 2015|Elementary, Relationships|0 Comments

Every time our school gets hit with vandalism, my response and, that of the students is, “it was probably teenagers.” Sad, but, most likely true. No doubt much could be said about why that is and what could be done about it. I’ll leave that for another article by someone who knows more about it [...]

Feb 6, 2015

What’s the Point?!

By |2015-02-06T07:15:37-08:00February 6, 2015|21st Century Learning, Elementary|1 Comment

Sadly, one of the most enjoyable, meaningful and challenging learning opportunities I had did not take place in a classroom. It took place in my backyard, during summer break, when I finally responded in the positive, to enough prodding from my wife and begging from my then three young girls to build the girls a [...]

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