Mar 7, 2016

Creative Contraptions

By |2016-03-07T08:57:29-08:00March 7, 2016|Character, Elementary|6 Comments

At the end of January, our Staff Retreat Planning Committee put together an amazing staff retreat (I am on the planning committee). The committee gave the staff three options; snowshoeing at Cypress Mountain, Countdown Escape Rooms in Abbotsford or cooking and sharing an International meal with a team of other staff.Very excitedly, I choose to [...]

Feb 29, 2016

Ground Control to Major Tom

By |2021-07-07T21:27:08-07:00February 29, 2016|21st Century Learning|0 Comments

Ground control to Major Tom…Ground control to Major Tom…Hopefully by now, as a reader, you have started to hum the 1969 pop hit, “Space Oddity” by David Bowie and if you really enjoyed that genre and type of music you are well into the second verse in your mind by now…This is the song that [...]

Feb 15, 2016

My Selfie-Cam is Broken

By |2016-02-15T13:58:24-08:00February 15, 2016|Middle School, Technology|0 Comments

Ahh, the Smart Phone. It has really become a part of my life. It’s a love – try-not-to-be-too-dependent relationship. I am not the most coordinated individual. Yes, I am teaching art and drama, but no, I would not put it past me to fall off of a stage. Case in point:  last year in drama class, [...]

Feb 8, 2016

Deep Hopes

By |2016-02-08T13:14:10-08:00February 8, 2016|Custom-Fit Education, Elementary|3 Comments

The BC government is rolling out a new (or revised) education plan. As a government-funded school, we are obligated to deliver education in line with the plan. As a Christian school, our first obligation is to be faithful to our mission. And so, on a professional development day earlier this year, we devoted time to work [...]

Jan 27, 2016

Do You See What I See?

By |2016-01-27T18:50:47-08:00January 27, 2016|21st Century Learning, Secondary|4 Comments

BY MIKE RIEZEBOS: Secondary Math TeacherWhat do you see when you look at the picture above? A student’s first car? A vehicle ready for donation? A hunk of junk?Well, it isn’t any of the above. It’s my car, or as it’s affectionately known by the staff, the “Pi Mobile.”My wife wants nothing to do with that car [...]

Jan 18, 2016

Corn Flakes and Colliding Worldviews

By |2016-01-18T08:53:41-08:00January 18, 2016|Middle School, School Vision|0 Comments

What do you remember from when you were in grade 6? If you are over 25 years of age, it probably isn’t too much in terms of the lessons and details of that year of your life. The things that we do tend to remember are the events and people that deeply impacted who we [...]

Jan 12, 2016

Flummoxed First Graders

By |2016-01-12T08:55:22-08:00January 12, 2016|Elementary|1 Comment

During the Christmas season in grade one, we spend some time celebrating the Christmas traditions of each individual family. This year that included decorating cookies, reading stories, making tree ornaments, candy cane scavenger hunts and Christmas themed games. It was so much fun to revel in all the different ways that each family celebrates Christmas!In [...]

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