Jan 11, 2024


By |2024-01-11T14:24:36-08:00January 11, 2024|21st Century Learning, Leadership, School Vision|0 Comments

The setting was a professional development trip with other colleagues from ACS to an exemplary school, founded on project-based learning principles. I remember first walking in and being taken aback when a student approached me, offering a tour of the school. Joseph was his name, and he especially wanted me to experience a class that [...]

Nov 8, 2023


By |2023-11-08T15:47:47-08:00November 8, 2023|Middle School, Parenting|1 Comment

Amy and I have four boys. Our home is filled with rough-housing, noise, smell, and a ton of food. Our boys are extremely active. They all play sports. We shuttle them back-and-forth from sports, swimming, and playdates. Yet somehow, when they return home, they still have energy to burn. We encourage (hear “tell”) them to [...]

Oct 29, 2023


By |2023-10-31T09:09:54-07:00October 29, 2023|Engaging Minds, Science|0 Comments

I have always loved science. I’m not sure why but wondering about how things worked and watching nature in action was always fascinating for me. I loved the spontaneity of it. Which brings me to high school science class. Side Note: I have no doubt that my teachers at ACS had a deep desire to [...]

Oct 3, 2023


By |2023-10-03T14:49:32-07:00October 3, 2023|Elementary, School Vision|0 Comments

Our bi-weekly Friday morning chapel is one of those things that makes the elementary campus just a little extra wonderful. Our kindergarten students joined us for chapel for the first time last week Friday, and hearing 450 children’s voices singing praise songs together is the best. What a privilege it is to offer Christian education. [...]

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