May 23, 2017

It’s Been a Good Run!

By |2017-05-23T09:00:19-07:00May 23, 2017|Celebrating, Secondary|2 Comments

As I see the runway steadily approaching and becoming clearer in the distance, I find myself contemplating the landing less and less. I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve been asked, “So how are you feeling about your retirement?” or something similar. This is a very difficult question and one, truthfully, that bears [...]

Apr 17, 2017

You Can’t Make Me!

By |2017-04-17T09:42:21-07:00April 17, 2017|21st Century Learning, Middle School|0 Comments

They sat in front of me grimacing. We had been learning how to play band instruments for a few weeks and I just announced it was going to be time for a “check in,” as I call them. I probably could have called the “check in” a marshmallow, or a chocolate bar and they wouldn’t [...]

Apr 10, 2017

Ice Cream, New Shoes and Two Parks

By |2017-04-10T08:45:58-07:00April 10, 2017|Relationships, School Vision, Secondary|0 Comments

When the temperature is in the mid to high 30s, the tinkle of the ice cream cart is a great sound. We were able to enjoy an ice cream sandwich or a fudge bar when the ice cream man showed up at an opportune time during our trip to Nicaragua. Mostly it was the leaders [...]

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