May 31, 2021


By |2022-04-15T22:14:38-07:00May 31, 2021|Elementary|0 Comments

I love being at the elementary campus right before recess. The anticipation of going outside, getting fresh air, and being able to run and play with friends is palpable. I would dare say that for a high percentage of students, recess is a highlight of their day. Especially on a beautiful sunny day. Carefree I [...]

May 11, 2021


By |2021-07-07T21:25:02-07:00May 11, 2021|Faith|1 Comment

When I was young, my family listened fervently to James Ward. James was a Christian contemporary singer/songwriter, popular in the 70’s, 80’s, and 90’s. He also happened to be a friend to our family by association. He wasn’t in the “famous” category like other Christian contemporaries of that time:  Michael W Smith, Amy Grant, [...]

Apr 26, 2021


By |2022-04-28T14:46:01-07:00April 26, 2021|Technology|0 Comments

BY KOENRAAD BEUGELINK, FAITH FORMATION DIRECTOR Before reading any further: Please try not to respond to your phone notifications until you are done reading.   This week we started our “We Will, We Won’t” digital citizenship series at the secondary campus. This will be a staggered system-wide series of various lengths over the next [...]

Apr 26, 2021


By |2021-04-26T11:52:25-07:00April 26, 2021|Relationships, Secondary|9 Comments

My interactions with John Atsma, site superintendent for Fricia Construction, are usually two-fold: sometimes he stops by my office, or I give him a call. However, our conversations are rarely dull. Here are a few examples: “John, did you guys turn the water off? None of the taps work in the school.” “Mike, we need [...]

Apr 19, 2021


By |2022-04-28T14:48:27-07:00April 19, 2021|Learning Spaces, Middle School, School Vision|1 Comment

Unless you are a professional athlete, pop star, or Pokémon champion, the students in grade 7 aren’t that interested in your title. After six and a half years as Director of Learning for the Society of Christian Schools in British Columbia, I am using my professional leave to fill Mrs. Friesen’s maternity leave in middle [...]

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