May 14, 2014

FaceTime Faux-Pas

By |2014-05-14T07:37:03-07:00May 14, 2014|Parenting, Secondary, Technology|2 Comments

I know it’s not very lady-like, but sometimes I burp.   It probably wasn't the best time to let go of one of those big bellywonkers, but it happened right as I walked into my daughter’s room. Me: "Braack…whatcha doing?" A: "My homework…and, say hi to Zoe." Me: (recoiling in shame) "When did Zoe get [...]

Apr 23, 2014

Tooting My Own Horn

By |2014-04-23T07:32:40-07:00April 23, 2014|Art & Music, Middle School, Parenting|3 Comments

Music. It can move you in ways nothing else can. It can bring back memories long forgotten. It can move you to tears at the most inexplicable times. It can make you drum your fingers and bop your head or completely let loose and dance like no one's watching. But when the music is coming [...]

Apr 18, 2014

The Pros and Cons of the Rainbow Loom

By |2014-04-18T07:00:48-07:00April 18, 2014|Elementary, Parenting|1 Comment

The Rainbow Loom® craze started late for us—it came as a Christmas present for my daughter. But since then, not a day goes by that I haven’t seen or heard about these colourful elastic creations—at home and at school. The stores love them because revenue is high. The kids love them because it is the [...]

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