Jun 13, 2014

The Hills Are Alive with the Sound of Teenagers

By |2014-06-13T07:27:22-07:00June 13, 2014|Middle School, Whole Child Education|0 Comments

The last months of grade 8 are a flurry of activity, and believe it or not, our end-of-the-year trip to Camp Kawkawa actually gives teachers and students a chance to catch our collective breath. Sure, we have lots of great stuff planned to make the most of our time at camp, but a big part [...]

May 26, 2014

Not-So-Square and Other Renovation Tales

By |2014-05-26T07:07:17-07:00May 26, 2014|Faith, Middle School|0 Comments

Renovations.  It's a word that sends a chill deep into my bones. You see, in my house, renovations actually mean I have to do the work. No contractors, no professionals involved.  So when my wife and I agreed it was time to renovate the downstairs bathroom, I got a little nervous. With all the confidence of [...]

May 2, 2014

Minecraft: Teaching Tool or Time Waster?

By |2014-05-02T06:32:53-07:00May 2, 2014|Elementary, Middle School, Technology|1 Comment

You can’t make a very good birdhouse with a set of tweezers. Eventually, you might squeeze a few nails into the right places, and I suppose if you got a splinter, at least the tweezers would be more helpful than a hammer.  When you want to do a job well, it’s important to choose the [...]

Apr 23, 2014

Tooting My Own Horn

By |2014-04-23T07:32:40-07:00April 23, 2014|Art & Music, Middle School, Parenting|3 Comments

Music. It can move you in ways nothing else can. It can bring back memories long forgotten. It can move you to tears at the most inexplicable times. It can make you drum your fingers and bop your head or completely let loose and dance like no one's watching. But when the music is coming [...]

Apr 11, 2014

Castle Building 101

By |2014-04-11T07:44:19-07:00April 11, 2014|Middle School, Whole Child Education|0 Comments

I have always been fascinated with castles. It probably goes back to the Fisher Price Castle that we played with at my Grandma’s house—although it was strangely inhabited by Sesame Street characters. My Grandma had that castle for something like  35 years—my daughters were even playing with it as we cleaned out her apartment last [...]

Feb 14, 2014

No Hugging and Other Lessons from Basketball

By |2014-02-14T07:02:55-08:00February 14, 2014|Athletics, Middle School|0 Comments

This is the time of year when I wear a lot of different hats. The other day I was trying to wrap my head around all of them—grade 8 math and science teacher, Rice Raiser organizer, Sunday School coordinator, daughter, sister, wife, and mom, to name a few. Plus (for a few more weeks, at [...]

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