Jan 7, 2015

From Report Cards to Diapers

By |2015-01-07T07:00:06-08:00January 7, 2015|Interviews, Middle School, Parenting|0 Comments

by Moira Louw A few weeks ago, I had the rare opportunity to eat lunch with a former teacher, in her own home. Mrs. Becky Enns (although I know her as Ms. Vandenberg) was my grade 7 teacher, and I still remember her "special guy friend" Jonas coming to visit the class, and the gossip this created [...]

Dec 15, 2014

Turning My Brain Off

By |2014-12-15T07:35:39-08:00December 15, 2014|Faith, Middle School, Whole Child Education|0 Comments

My wife surprised me with a trip to a spa for my birthday. I have never been to a spa before (and I probably won’t ever go again). It was a very relaxing time, which is something I struggle with. My wife, Sharon, noted on several occasions throughout our time there, that I have a [...]

Nov 14, 2014

They Want Dinner Again?!

By |2014-11-14T07:05:46-08:00November 14, 2014|Middle School, Parenting|0 Comments

It’s not that my husband and I don’t enjoy cooking. We have a collection of favourite recipe books—the worn copy of the More with Less Cookbook that we packed back and forth to Africa and Hungary, my Hull Christian School Society Cookbook from Iowa (Snicker Salad, anyone?), a binder of recipes from both the Schut [...]

Oct 17, 2014

Why My Daughter is Dressed as a Lombax

By |2014-10-17T07:15:18-07:00October 17, 2014|Middle School, Technology|0 Comments

When Tym first asked me if I would be willing to be the Middle School Staff blogger for Inside Out, he suggested possible ways that I could begin a blog post.  One was “So, my husband is gaming again….”  “Again?” I retorted. “More like still gaming or has become obsessed with yet another video game.” Yes, [...]

Sep 16, 2014

Zee Top

By |2014-09-16T07:24:01-07:00September 16, 2014|Middle School|0 Comments

“Zee Top.” The black spray painted words clearly indicate the highest point on the rock. The lake is a full 20 feet below, and almost 10 feet out horizontally from the crest of what my kids call, “The Jumping Rock.” My son decided it was a goal of his to make that jump into the [...]

Sep 12, 2014

The End of the Rainbow

By |2014-09-12T07:28:56-07:00September 12, 2014|Celebrating, Middle School, Parenting|0 Comments

It had been a long day of driving—all the way from Abbotsford to Nelson, on the first leg of our trip to Alberta in early July. We finally pulled into our lakeside campsite at Kokanee Creek Provincial Park at suppertime, and were greeted by a cloud of mosquitoes and the rumbling of a thunderstorm in [...]

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