Sep 9, 2014

3 Reasons I Take No Delight in the Strike

By |2014-09-09T05:36:03-07:00September 9, 2014|Elementary|0 Comments

I placed 14 new students in classes in the week before school started. It was very busy, but exciting, and unprecedented. While the reasons varied, there was a definite connection, in some cases, to the current situation in the public schools. While it is a blessing to welcome these families into ACES, I am saddened [...]

Jun 6, 2014

The Year of the One-Eared Bunny

By |2014-06-06T07:16:37-07:00June 6, 2014|Elementary|0 Comments

“Nice dance moves, Buddy!” I wasn’t sure what my brother, calling from Edmonton, was talking about. But then he noted that he had recently seen the Inside Out launch video and proceeded to regale me with how much his daughter—my niece—was killing herself laughing at her Uncle Seth dancing in the library with his students. [...]

May 30, 2014

Mud, Meddling, and Make Believe

By |2014-05-30T07:25:48-07:00May 30, 2014|Elementary, Whole Child Education|0 Comments

“Yeah! My son came home covered in mud again. He wasn't pushed but said that he told the older boys he didn't want to slide but they kept on telling him to slide. I know the responsibility lies with him to walk away or speak up, but I can’t help thinking the other moms don’t appreciate the muddy clothes either. [...]

May 7, 2014

10 Things You May Not Know about Mrs. Humphries

By |2014-05-07T07:07:27-07:00May 7, 2014|Elementary, Interviews|1 Comment

by Tanya KienekerGetting hired to teach at ACS was somewhat of an accident. It was 23 years ago and Dwight Moody was principal. He was looking for a grade two teacher and asked Nancy Humphries to come out for a visit. Little did she know, she was interviewed and got the job! “But I wasn’t [...]

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