Mar 7, 2014

Stop Saying That!

By |2014-03-07T07:23:26-08:00March 7, 2014|Elementary|0 Comments

I thought the lesson was going smoothly. I was sharing my brilliant insights on how to best incorporate specific writing traits into a personal narrative, and the students were keenly taking notes, nodding their heads and absorbing my self-perceived wisdom. Suddenly, from the center of the classroom, a loud voice yelled out, “BORING! BORING! BORING!” [...]

Feb 17, 2014

Now Let Me Tell You About Tennis Racquets…

By |2014-02-17T07:22:01-08:00February 17, 2014|Relationships|1 Comment

My first tennis racquet was one my mom picked up at a discount store in Bellingham when I was nine years old. It had a metal frame and it weighed a tonne. The thing was indestructible. In other words it was perfect for my use as a somewhat careless middle school-aged boy. In fact, forty [...]

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