Apr 11, 2014

Castle Building 101

By |2014-04-11T07:44:19-07:00April 11, 2014|Middle School, Whole Child Education|0 Comments

I have always been fascinated with castles. It probably goes back to the Fisher Price Castle that we played with at my Grandma’s house—although it was strangely inhabited by Sesame Street characters. My Grandma had that castle for something like  35 years—my daughters were even playing with it as we cleaned out her apartment last [...]

Apr 9, 2014

A Few of My Favourite Things…

By |2014-04-09T07:18:46-07:00April 9, 2014|Faith, Parenting|2 Comments

Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens might have been good for Maria von Trapp, but there’s a few things I like too... Fresh sheets, especially if they were line-dried Peanut butter on fresh bread Being in charge of the TV remote My husband’s blue eyes Cuddles on the couch from kids who are far [...]

Apr 4, 2014

The Infamous “Staycation”

By |2014-04-04T07:00:28-07:00April 4, 2014|Elementary|2 Comments

I think I liked last year’s Spring Break better. Last year the temperature was 27 Celsius, the weather was sunny, and our family had an amazing week-long trip to Palm Springs, visiting the surreal landscape of Joshua Tree National Park and sunning ourselves poolside. This year, the temperature barely broke into double digits, the weather [...]

Mar 28, 2014

My Coffee Mug and Genesis 1

By |2014-03-28T07:43:05-07:00March 28, 2014|Faith, Science, Secondary|2 Comments

This is my work mug.  I've been drinking from it since before my current students were born. There's much you can know about my mug if you study it as a scientist might. One of the tools scientists use is empirical observation. By this method they could determine things like capacity (32 ml), mass, (347.1 [...]

Mar 21, 2014

The REALLY Inappropriate Word

By |2014-03-21T07:34:13-07:00March 21, 2014|Parenting|0 Comments

There are moments in your teaching career—even in your parenting, for that matter—when you  are suddenly caught off guard by….a REALLY inappropriate word! Even with a few years of teaching experience, it still surprises me what might pop out of these precious, innocent mouths on occasion. Being a grade one teacher, I know words like [...]

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