Sep 16, 2014

Zee Top

By |2014-09-16T07:24:01-07:00September 16, 2014|Middle School|0 Comments

“Zee Top.” The black spray painted words clearly indicate the highest point on the rock. The lake is a full 20 feet below, and almost 10 feet out horizontally from the crest of what my kids call, “The Jumping Rock.” My son decided it was a goal of his to make that jump into the [...]

Sep 12, 2014

The End of the Rainbow

By |2014-09-12T07:28:56-07:00September 12, 2014|Celebrating, Middle School, Parenting|0 Comments

It had been a long day of driving—all the way from Abbotsford to Nelson, on the first leg of our trip to Alberta in early July. We finally pulled into our lakeside campsite at Kokanee Creek Provincial Park at suppertime, and were greeted by a cloud of mosquitoes and the rumbling of a thunderstorm in [...]

Sep 9, 2014

3 Reasons I Take No Delight in the Strike

By |2014-09-09T05:36:03-07:00September 9, 2014|Elementary|0 Comments

I placed 14 new students in classes in the week before school started. It was very busy, but exciting, and unprecedented. While the reasons varied, there was a definite connection, in some cases, to the current situation in the public schools. While it is a blessing to welcome these families into ACES, I am saddened [...]

Aug 27, 2014


By |2021-07-07T21:27:09-07:00August 27, 2014|Celebrating|0 Comments

Birthdays at the Siebenga House When my siblings (one older sister and two younger brothers) and I were growing up together, we would run downstairs on the mornings of our birthdays to read “The List.” Yes, we did look forward to the presents we would get (although I’m not sure I remember any of the gifts [...]

Aug 8, 2014

Dear Diary…

By |2014-08-08T09:43:00-07:00August 8, 2014|Secondary|0 Comments

After reading several blogs I wrote for posting this summer, Tanya, the editor of Inside Out, suggested I write something more personal—I should save the more academic posts for the fall. Personal? I was puzzled at first, but then I had an idea—I have this blank-page book I carry with me all the time; I [...]

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