Jun 22, 2015

How to Get an “A” in Free Time

By |2015-06-22T09:09:08-07:00June 22, 2015|Faith, Secondary|0 Comments

What do you think about adding column on a report card assessing what students do during recess?Luigi Giussani, Italian priest, educator and intellectual, once told a group of parents that young people are not judged by how seriously, tenaciously and loyally they take to their school work, but by how they use their free time.They [...]

Jun 16, 2015

Why I Make My Daughters Play Video Games

By |2015-06-16T08:59:56-07:00June 16, 2015|Middle School, Technology|0 Comments

Guest Blog Writer: Kevin SchutI make sure my girls get their regular doses of video games.Hi, I’m Kristin’s husband, Kevin. Since it’s crunch time for Kristin, I thought I would be a supportive spouse and write her blog post this month. It’s an ideal opportunity for me to set the record straight about how I’ve [...]

May 27, 2015

Worth Celebrating

By |2015-05-27T09:03:14-07:00May 27, 2015|Celebrating, Secondary|0 Comments

I went home fairly exhausted late Friday night after helping with the clean-up at Heritage Alliance Church, following the graduation dinner and program.What a night! What a week!Watching our community of staff, students and parents come together to celebrate what God has done at ACS for our children is, once again, an incredible experience.In front [...]

May 19, 2015

Stand up if…

By |2015-05-19T09:19:56-07:00May 19, 2015|Athletics, Celebrating, Middle School|0 Comments

During one of our recent middle school chapels, I asked all of our students who had been involved in any of our athletic teams to stand up. I started with cross-country, then volleyball and basketball, followed by grade 7 and 8 badminton, track and field, secondary soccer teams and golf team. In the end, we [...]

May 11, 2015

100 Chairs for Parents

By |2015-05-11T09:03:30-07:00May 11, 2015|21st Century Learning, Elementary, School Vision|0 Comments

Remember Curriculum Chapels?For several years, each grade level needed to present something about what they had been learning about in class. With a mission statement that says, “all of life under God,” everything we do is worship. It made sense to do chapels in which our learning was presented as an offering of worship.One of [...]

May 8, 2015

Can you talk to my child about…?

By |2015-05-08T08:58:40-07:00May 8, 2015|Elementary, Parenting, Relationships|1 Comment

I remember the day that my children made a switch in their “educational” thinking. For them, it happened in kindergarten, but I know it can happen at any time during those first few years of school. Up until that point in their lives, everything Mom said was right. Mom knew the facts. Mom knew the [...]

Apr 30, 2015

Learning to Speak the Language of Boy

By |2015-04-30T09:07:06-07:00April 30, 2015|Elementary, Parenting, Relationships|3 Comments

How is it that boys get immeasurable pleasure out of beating the living daylights out of each other? Not every boy has a brother, but even amongst their friends, I notice that guys give a punch to the shoulder as they say hello or as the boys leave the classroom, they are tussling and manhandling [...]

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