Nov 21, 2016

The French Connection

By |2016-11-21T09:45:42-08:00November 21, 2016|Secondary, Whole Child Education|2 Comments

“Bon joor les eleves!” “Comment aller voos?” My typical morning greeting in my best Franglais. I usually conclude my welcome address with, “That’s French for those of you that aren’t bilingual.” This is always met with a hail of criticism, correction and, sometimes, laughter…that’s the point. I have fun with my poorly developed linguist skills [...]

Nov 14, 2016

Silly Answers to Good Questions

By |2016-11-14T10:50:17-08:00November 14, 2016|21st Century Learning, Middle School|2 Comments

I was taking a first year Canadian history course and my professor asked the question,“Why do you think there was a law in Lower Canada that prohibited the cutting down of oak trees?” I thought to myself, “Oh, I know this one!” A little background is needed here. I was almost finished my degree, but [...]

Oct 24, 2016

Parking in the Right Lot

By |2016-10-24T09:19:41-07:00October 24, 2016|School Vision, Secondary, This Square Inch|2 Comments

Way back when, I used to look at which films were playing on Tuesday nights and sometimes, if Debbie and I weren’t too busy, we would go see one of them. Years ago, we went to a $5 Tuesday night movie on McCallum Road and parked in the lot next to the theatre. After the [...]

Oct 13, 2016

Back to School Mom

By |2016-10-13T10:17:45-07:00October 13, 2016|Parenting|0 Comments

I know who you are, you back-to-school moms. You have relished each lazy morning of summer, (Hello pj’s until 10 am), but those school supply lists were triple checked, and each backpack faithfully packed before the first morning of school. The beach days, and the camping, and the not-ironing-any-clothes were fun, but there’s a time [...]

Oct 3, 2016

The Grapes of Learning

By |2021-07-07T21:27:08-07:00October 3, 2016|21st Century Learning|1 Comment

Two weeks ago, I (along with a few colleagues) spent some time at a Christian Schools Canada Conference for administrators across Canada. Our keynote speaker was Andy Crouch (coincidentally also the keynote speaker for the InspirED teacher’s convention this week). Andy is the senior editor for Christianity Today and was formerly a Christian contemporary singer songwriter. [...]

Sep 29, 2016

Change Is Afoot

By |2016-09-29T08:08:40-07:00September 29, 2016|Parenting|3 Comments

Each morning, when my alarm goes off, I wake up to the staticky sounds of a local Christian radio station. As this is one of the only radio stations I seem to get with any clarity in Chilliwack, it's that or the obnoxious factory installed alarm, incessantly blaring me to consciousness. So Praise 106.5 it [...]

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