Jan 23, 2017

Man vs. Fish

By |2017-01-23T14:31:11-08:00January 23, 2017|Custom-Fit Education, Science, Secondary|0 Comments

It was once my custom to take the entire Biology 12 class to the Bamfield Marine Station on the desolate west coast of Vancouver Island. The students to experienced first-hand the unspoiled, rugged coastline for which BC is famous. The opportunities to study marine life using the resources of biological station were fantastic and students [...]

Jan 16, 2017

Barbies, Fairy Tales and Overhead Doors

By |2017-01-16T14:58:09-08:00January 16, 2017|21st Century Learning, Middle School|0 Comments

Just before Christmas, I wandered around the middle school campus, observing students and teachers. It’s one of my favourite things to do during the day--so cool to be a witness to learning! I was struck by how incredibly busy our halls are, reinforcing for me the fact that our hallways really are extensions of our [...]

Jan 9, 2017

Dreaming of the Beach

By |2017-01-09T08:55:13-08:00January 9, 2017|Elementary|1 Comment

At the Christian Teachers Association of British Columbia (CTABC) convention in October, (the one where students get two days off before Thanksgiving and the teachers all go to school), CTABC made an exciting announcement. They were changing their name to Christian Educators of British Columbia (CEBC), which better represented the many people who work to educate each [...]

Dec 23, 2016

The Twelve Days of Christmas Vacation

By |2016-12-23T14:30:15-08:00December 23, 2016|Celebrating, Middle School|1 Comment

On the first day of vacation, my children brought to me; a tree that is slowly leaning On the second day of vacation, my children brought to me; two found report cards On the third day of vacation, my children brought to me; three half-full lunch kits On the fourth day of vacation, my children [...]

Dec 14, 2016

The Best Season Ever

By |2016-12-14T08:48:59-08:00December 14, 2016|Athletics, Character, Secondary|1 Comment

Not long ago, I heard secondary teacher Trent De Jong describe athletics by saying, “At ACS we don’t just compete, we represent.”  I heard a great story the other day from one of our coaches in the staff room that exemplified this idea. Here is Joanne Friesen, the Junior Boys’ Volleyball Head Coach, in her [...]

Dec 4, 2016

Selfless Servants

By |2016-12-04T10:15:59-08:00December 4, 2016|Elementary, Whole Child Education|0 Comments

I can’t remember exactly when I first met Mike Ouwerkerk. I know it was early on in my time here at ACS, 22 years ago. Mike initiated our Grandparent Crossing Patrol. Back then, there were no houses around our school property and looking out the front of the school you mostly saw a large, sandy [...]

Dec 1, 2016

Coffee and Purple Cows

By |2021-07-07T21:27:08-07:00December 1, 2016|21st Century Learning|1 Comment

I love Starbucks. Yes, the coffee is great and yes, I love the brand that they work hard at portraying. Here’s the real reason: they don’t advertise on TV. I love the fact that Starbucks is considered one of the current, most recognized brands in the world (along with Coke, McDonald’s and Apple) and they [...]

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