Mar 28, 2017

Let’s Go Camping!

By |2017-03-28T08:55:53-07:00March 28, 2017|Secondary|1 Comment

My family are avid campers. Not the kind of camping that involves tramping up the sides of mountains carrying your survival necessities on your back. Also not the kind of “camping” that requires that you drive a bus outfitted to resemble your living room from place to place enjoying nature. No, our camping kind of [...]

Mar 6, 2017

Sometimes I feel like a…

By |2017-03-06T09:45:48-08:00March 6, 2017|21st Century Learning, Elementary|2 Comments

“Sometimes I feel like a porcupine, innocent and curious. I have a big imagination and know how to protect myself.” This is how the small, square book began. I was browsing for First Nations themed books in our wonderful library. By the time I finished this book by Danielle Daniel, I was hooked and had [...]

Feb 27, 2017

If You Build It, They Will Come

By |2021-07-09T12:03:29-07:00February 27, 2017|21st Century Learning, Secondary|1 Comment

On Friday, February 17, we did our annual pilgrimage from the multi-purpose room at the secondary campus to the middle school gymnasium with literally tons of wood. I will admit that this pilgrimage is not my favourite day of the school year. In one day, we have to organize 25 students to help us move [...]

Feb 20, 2017

Throwing Away the Highlighters

By |2017-02-20T08:58:22-08:00February 20, 2017|Custom-Fit Education, Middle School|2 Comments

The room is warm; excitement and the odour of nervous middle schoolers fills the air. Students, wearing a mix of everyday clothing and fairy-tale wear, run back and forth in frantic frenzy between their parents, their classmates, and backstage, to make sure everything is “just right” and in place for their moment on the stage. [...]

Feb 6, 2017

Top 11 Things You Hear on the Golf Course

By |2021-07-07T21:27:08-07:00February 6, 2017|Athletics, Relationships|0 Comments

On an annual basis, during late January/early February, my father flies all of his boys (3 of us) and a son-in-law out to the Phoenix area for a long weekend of golf. This year was no exception. Not only was it a great weekend of golf with memories that came from this, but it was [...]

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