Nov 13, 2017


By |2017-11-13T20:34:26-08:00November 13, 2017|Custom-Fit Education, Elementary|0 Comments

About an hour drive outside of Guatemala City, we arrived at Bethel school in Patzicia. As usual, we were welcomed warmly into the school by the administrators, but also by the children as they were having their break. We exchanged many handshakes, high fives and fist bumps. During my trip to Guatemala at the end [...]

Oct 23, 2017


By |2021-07-07T21:25:03-07:00October 23, 2017|Secondary, Whole Child Education|0 Comments

At 7:50 am, I hug my son and daughter and bid them farewell. I watch them walk down the street and head towards our school. I close the door, breathe deep, and smile. Yes, my kids walk to ACS every day. Saving Time or Sanity? In actuality, if I drove them, it would take me twice [...]

Oct 16, 2017


By |2017-10-16T09:17:51-07:00October 16, 2017|Custom-Fit Education, Middle School|1 Comment

“Can I get your autograph?” This was different. Pig tails, braids, smiling faces, toothless welcoming grins reached out their pieces of paper towards us.  “You’re the government! Can we get your autograph? ” I stifled a laugh, smiled back, looked over at my newly met colleague, shrugged, pulled out a pen, and signed away. I [...]

Oct 10, 2017


By |2022-05-17T14:45:59-07:00October 10, 2017|Custom-Fit Education, Elementary|0 Comments

Last April, I introduced my older brother Michael to our learning support staff at one of our meetings. He was visiting me from Toronto and I introduced him as my inspiration for working as an Educational Assistant (EA). When Michael was three years old, he and my mom were visiting family in Germany and they [...]

Sep 11, 2017


By |2017-09-11T15:56:42-07:00September 11, 2017|Custom-Fit Education, Elementary|0 Comments

It became a bit of a joke in administration meetings, board meetings, even society meetings. I was tired of hearing that the increase in enrolment was a good problem to have, and I'll admit that there were times when it did get a little annoying. I always knew that the decisions made when enrolment was [...]

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