Apr 3, 2020


By |2020-04-03T15:08:55-07:00April 3, 2020|School Vision, Secondary|0 Comments

“Be gentle with yourself and generous with others” is a phrase that Ed Noot, Executive Director of the Society of Christian Schools in BC, shared with us school leaders during one of our many virtual meetings over spring break. It’s a phrase that has stuck with me over these last few weeks and something I’m trying to [...]

Feb 24, 2020


By |2020-02-24T08:10:06-08:00February 24, 2020|Relationships, Secondary|1 Comment

BY: JENNIFER WITTRUP, STUDENT LIFE CENTRE ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT When I was offered the position of administrative assistant to the secondary Student Life Centre (SLC) and realized that my position would be the first face students would see upon entering, I knew that I wanted to do something special for the first week of school. Naturally, [...]

Feb 10, 2020


By |2020-02-10T08:19:21-08:00February 10, 2020|Elementary, Faith|2 Comments

BY SARAH BESSEY, ACS PARENT When our children were younger, I used to marvel at their ability to find great value and significance in sunrise and sunset, growing vegetables, bugs and trees, music, friendship, rocky-bottomed lakes, changing seasons and small rituals. They say the world through a lens of wonder and contentment that made me [...]

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