Mar 10, 2021


By |2021-03-10T11:59:53-08:00March 10, 2021|Relationships, Secondary|1 Comment

In English 11 in October, Mrs. Dani DeJong shared a collection of essays from National Public Radio’s program, “This I Believe.” She then challenged her students to write their own personal credo about a core principle that defines their life. The array of topics, concerns, and passions were as diverse as the students themselves. The [...]

Mar 9, 2021


By |2021-03-09T08:27:01-08:00March 9, 2021|Middle School, School Vision|7 Comments

I’m not exactly a courageous person. I distinctly remember the fear that crawled up my spine when my mom asked me to get something from the basement as a kid. Our below-ground “dungeon” was unfinished, sported a low ceiling, limited lighting, only two half windows, and a number of resident spiders who felt right at [...]

Mar 8, 2021


By |2022-04-28T14:50:01-07:00March 8, 2021|Elementary, School Vision|4 Comments

“It’s ninja time!” “Let’s see some kicks and hi-yas!” Words I never thought I would hear or say while teaching grade 3. February 22-26 was kindness week at the elementary campus. A week where classes were invited to show random acts of kindness to others, participate in pink shirt day, and sneakily deliver decorated rocks [...]

Feb 22, 2021


By |2021-02-22T10:42:36-08:00February 22, 2021|Character, Secondary|4 Comments

In English 11 last October,  Mrs. Dani DeJong shared a collection of essays from National Public Radio’s program, “This I Believe.” She then challenged her students to write their own personal credo about a core principle that defines their life. The array of topics, concerns, and passions were as diverse as the students themselves. The [...]

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