Oct 29, 2023


By |2023-10-31T09:09:54-07:00October 29, 2023|Engaging Minds, Science|0 Comments

I have always loved science. I’m not sure why but wondering about how things worked and watching nature in action was always fascinating for me. I loved the spontaneity of it. Which brings me to high school science class. Side Note: I have no doubt that my teachers at ACS had a deep desire to [...]

Jan 23, 2017

Man vs. Fish

By |2017-01-23T14:31:11-08:00January 23, 2017|Custom-Fit Education, Science, Secondary|0 Comments

It was once my custom to take the entire Biology 12 class to the Bamfield Marine Station on the desolate west coast of Vancouver Island. The students to experienced first-hand the unspoiled, rugged coastline for which BC is famous. The opportunities to study marine life using the resources of biological station were fantastic and students [...]

Mar 28, 2014

My Coffee Mug and Genesis 1

By |2014-03-28T07:43:05-07:00March 28, 2014|Faith, Science, Secondary|2 Comments

This is my work mug.  I've been drinking from it since before my current students were born. There's much you can know about my mug if you study it as a scientist might. One of the tools scientists use is empirical observation. By this method they could determine things like capacity (32 ml), mass, (347.1 [...]

Jan 24, 2014

Fruit or Vegetable?

By |2014-01-24T17:35:30-08:00January 24, 2014|Faith, Science, Secondary|2 Comments

When I was 10, I was a fundamentalist. It was then that I learned in science class that the tomato was a fruit. It's likely that, armed with this new information, I sallied forth to do battle against ignorance—or, rather, against the ignorant. I'd approach my unsuspecting victim and say, "Tomatoes are fruit." Predictably, they'd [...]

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