Custom-Fit Education

Feb 20, 2017

Throwing Away the Highlighters

By |2017-02-20T08:58:22-08:00February 20, 2017|Custom-Fit Education, Middle School|2 Comments

The room is warm; excitement and the odour of nervous middle schoolers fills the air. Students, wearing a mix of everyday clothing and fairy-tale wear, run back and forth in frantic frenzy between their parents, their classmates, and backstage, to make sure everything is “just right” and in place for their moment on the stage. [...]

Jan 23, 2017

Man vs. Fish

By |2017-01-23T14:31:11-08:00January 23, 2017|Custom-Fit Education, Science, Secondary|0 Comments

It was once my custom to take the entire Biology 12 class to the Bamfield Marine Station on the desolate west coast of Vancouver Island. The students to experienced first-hand the unspoiled, rugged coastline for which BC is famous. The opportunities to study marine life using the resources of biological station were fantastic and students [...]

Feb 8, 2016

Deep Hopes

By |2016-02-08T13:14:10-08:00February 8, 2016|Custom-Fit Education, Elementary|3 Comments

The BC government is rolling out a new (or revised) education plan. As a government-funded school, we are obligated to deliver education in line with the plan. As a Christian school, our first obligation is to be faithful to our mission. And so, on a professional development day earlier this year, we devoted time to work [...]

Mar 2, 2015

Now It’s Your Turn

By |2015-03-02T06:57:25-08:00March 2, 2015|Custom-Fit Education, Elementary, Relationships|0 Comments

To the educational assistant who shares this classroom with me: I know you've heard me say thank-you to the students in the class, maybe for excellent behaviour or for doing great work, for sharing their thoughts on a topic or helping out a peer, perhaps for all the pictures, cards, paintings, and notes that cover [...]

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