About Guest Bloggers

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So far Guest Bloggers has created 142 blog entries.
Oct 24, 2016

Parking in the Right Lot

By |2016-10-24T09:19:41-07:00October 24, 2016|School Vision, Secondary, This Square Inch|2 Comments

Way back when, I used to look at which films were playing on Tuesday nights and sometimes, if Debbie and I weren’t too busy, we would go see one of them. Years ago, we went to a $5 Tuesday night movie on McCallum Road and parked in the lot next to the theatre. After the [...]

Jun 20, 2016

Five Things I Learned in Kindergarten

By |2016-06-20T08:56:07-07:00June 20, 2016|School Vision, Secondary|4 Comments

I was thinking about a month ago, “What am I going to write for my last blog article of the year?”  So I asked my wife, Debbie, who happens to be one of our ACS kindergarten teachers. She said, “Why don’t you spend a day in my world and write about it?” So I did.Last Tuesday, [...]

Apr 25, 2016

Hiding in Plain Sight

By |2016-04-25T08:57:02-07:00April 25, 2016|Faith, Secondary|0 Comments

Recently, we have been receiving resumes and applications for the position of Educational Administrative Assistant in the secondary office. The other day, I planned to meet with the current admin assistants to go through all the resumes and decide on whom we should interview for the position.But before the meeting, I went into my staff [...]

Dec 14, 2015

Lights, Camera and put into Action

By |2015-12-14T10:00:51-08:00December 14, 2015|21st Century Learning, Secondary|2 Comments

Three years ago, I went to Duncan Christian School to watch our ACS Knights play at the provincial volleyball championship. They went into the tournament through the back door because a team dropped out and came into the tournament ranked 12th out of 12 teams. It was a fantastic tournament to watch because they slowly [...]

Nov 23, 2015

It might not be what you think…

By |2015-11-23T09:09:45-08:00November 23, 2015|Character, Secondary|2 Comments

If you were to guess why teachers love teaching, what would you say? It might not be what you think.... Would you guess it’s because we love kids? Possibly. Do you think that we are in it for the moolah? Ha! That’s a good one. Or perhaps you might say, “those who can’t do, teach,” [...]

Oct 26, 2015

Three Things about “Letting Them Go”

By |2015-10-26T09:05:11-07:00October 26, 2015|Parenting, Secondary|1 Comment

Last spring, the parents of the grads made a video called, “Let Them Go” and rewrote the famous song, “Let it Go” from the Disney hit movie, Frozen. It was funny. But it was also true. And although I love them more than anything on the planet, letting my children grow up and go is [...]

Oct 22, 2015

How NOT to be an Artist

By |2015-10-22T06:50:09-07:00October 22, 2015|21st Century Learning, Art & Music|4 Comments

BY JONATHAN BOERSecondary Art TeacherThere is a poster out there entitled “How to Be An Artist.” It’s a list of things an artist is supposed to do, like “plant impossible gardens,” “take moonbaths,” and “invite dangerous people to tea.” If this poster is the definitive list, I’m not an artist.The only things on that poster [...]

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