About Guest Bloggers

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So far Guest Bloggers has created 142 blog entries.
Mar 12, 2018


By |2018-03-12T08:50:53-07:00March 12, 2018|Middle School|1 Comment

BY LINDA HOWARD, MIDDLE SCHOOL ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT If you’ve ever seen the movie UP, then you know how short the attention span of a dog can be. Fitted with an electronic collar that voices the thoughts of the dog, just about every other sentence is interjected with the dog calling “Squirrel” because the dog has [...]

Feb 13, 2018


By |2018-02-13T07:51:14-08:00February 13, 2018|21st Century Learning, Elementary|1 Comment

BY SHERRY DRADER, GRADE 4 TEACHER This past Christmas left me flabbergasted—the cardboard box STILL became the most sought after “toy” between my three kids! I’ve always been fascinated by the hours of enjoyment children get from a simple cardboard box, as the adult in me just wants to clean up the mess, flatten the [...]

Jan 29, 2018


By |2018-01-29T10:59:58-08:00January 29, 2018|Custom-Fit Education, Secondary|2 Comments

Just a few days before the Christmas break, I received a phone call from my friend Dave MacDonald. Dave and his wife, Danaya, have a very collaborative relationship with our school, even though their children don’t attend ACS, as they homeschool in order to volunteer in Guatemala. They have hosted several school events at their [...]

Jun 21, 2017

Sincerely Believing in the Wrong Thing

By |2017-06-21T08:59:43-07:00June 21, 2017|School Vision, Secondary|0 Comments

My daughter got married last summer and moved to Sidney on Vancouver Island. They have a nice little rental house just a few blocks from the ocean and only 3 minutes from the Victoria Swartz Bay ferry terminal. Debbie and I enjoy going over to visit them. Heading where?! A few weeks ago we finished [...]

Feb 27, 2017

If You Build It, They Will Come

By |2021-07-09T12:03:29-07:00February 27, 2017|21st Century Learning, Secondary|1 Comment

On Friday, February 17, we did our annual pilgrimage from the multi-purpose room at the secondary campus to the middle school gymnasium with literally tons of wood. I will admit that this pilgrimage is not my favourite day of the school year. In one day, we have to organize 25 students to help us move [...]

Dec 14, 2016

The Best Season Ever

By |2016-12-14T08:48:59-08:00December 14, 2016|Athletics, Character, Secondary|1 Comment

Not long ago, I heard secondary teacher Trent De Jong describe athletics by saying, “At ACS we don’t just compete, we represent.”  I heard a great story the other day from one of our coaches in the staff room that exemplified this idea. Here is Joanne Friesen, the Junior Boys’ Volleyball Head Coach, in her [...]

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