Recently I underwent day surgery and spent a week recovering at home. Given the nature of my recovery I knew I had to be very intentional about taking time away from work so that I could physically recover and be ready to go the following week. I prepped the staff, set up an email autoreply, and put all my “ducks in a row.”

After all, being the principal is important; surely the school will need me while I’m gone, right?!

Unnecessary Blessings

Aside from being physically humbled during my recovery, I was also humbled by how “unnecessary” I really was. For four full days ACS Secondary continued on its merry way without me. Personally, this showed me:

  • We are blessed with incredible staff, who stepped up and filled in the gap for me while I was recovering.
  • I experienced heartfelt support and prayers from staff and our community.
  • I experienced grace from many as some of my responses were delayed and as I got caught up again.

Not My School

I think the biggest thing for me was a clear reminder that this isn’t my school, this isn’t even our school; this is God’s school. He ultimately stewards it, provides for it, and calls us all to be an integral part of it. In my heart I know this, but it was brought to my attention again.

This was all pre-flood, but these reminders are true for us all during this difficult time. It is my hope and prayer that:

  • We all feel the blessing of our God-given community.
  • You all experience the power of prayer in some way.
  • We are gracious with one another as we all journey through this time in different ways.

He Is With Us

I was also made aware that the Holy Spirit is at work in this place.

Our 2022 grad class theme is “Overcome.” I’ll leave you with their grad verse for this year (again, chosen pre-flood). May it be a blessing to you:

When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze. Isaiah 43:2

During my recovery and during this past week I was encouraged and reminded that our heavenly Father is awesome, all-powerful, and all things are in his hands.

I encourage you to share in the comments how you or others have experienced God through our ACS community, or an answer to prayer. These are unprecedented times and it is my hope (assuming someone actually reads this) that we’ll be able to use this medium to celebrate God’s hand in our lives during this time.