This past semester in English 11, Mrs. Dani DeJong shared a collection of essays from National Public Radio’s program, “This I Believe.” She then challenged her students to write their own personal credo about a core principle that defines their life. The array of topics, concerns, and passions were as diverse as the students themselves.

The ACS Inside Out blog is excited to present their essays in our 2017 summer blog series, “This I Believe: Eight Personal Credos by Eight ACS Students.”

Part Two: Where the Trails have No Name
by Bradley Beukens

It’s important for me for people to know what they stand for and why. Often people can be heavily influenced by others opinions. Their thoughts on politics, relationship advice, farming, even religion, all can waiver on other people pressuring you.

For you to know what you stand for, you need to have time just to collect your thoughts and think for yourself.

My “alone place” is in the mountains, secluded from the busy city life, indulged in God’s wildlife creation. You get a feeling unlike any other realizing how few people have been where you have been, compared to the city life.

Life throws hard balls at you that can leave you in shock or possibly in pain.

This past year, I was faced with a challenge concerning one of my friendships. We would argue and get mad at each other, then we spent some time apart.

In that time, I went on walks and hikes in the mountains and just thought about the situation. Being alone and secluded made me able to think deep about the two sides of the situation. The soothing humming of the stream beside me and the sounds of raindrops falling leaf to leaf never fail to calm my nerves.

Getting away from everything resulting in saving one of my most important friendships; that’s the power of nature.

There are many different ways to worship and build relationship with God. Some people study Scripture to connect with God, some pray for hours on end, some help others in the name of God. These are all great ways to serve and build relationship with.

As of now, my way of feeling God’s presence is in nature. Putting my pulse against nature feels to me that it is against God’s pulse. Getting to explore His handcrafted plants, animals, minerals and knowing that everything was made with the most detail.             

I believe people need to get into the nature God gave to us and find ourselves in it.




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