By Published On: January 20, 2014Categories: Middle School, Technology1 Comment on I Am Not The Soundman

I am a bit of a techie. That confession probably doesn’t surprise anyone who knows me. I like to figure stuff out; how things work and how to make broken things work again. This interest in all things “geeky” has served me well as a teacher and administrator as we are often dealing with technology tools in this profession. Everything from tape decks and over-head projectors through to SMART boards and iPads have frustrated teachers, and I enjoy the challenge of making them work.

What most people may not know about me is that I have techie interests outside of the school setting as well.

I am a:

  • certified ski boot fitter
  • certified ski binding technician
  • certified racquet stringer

I have experience as bicycle mechanic, with home repairs including some minor plumbing and electrical work, and I really enjoy tinkering on cars (I have a 1968 Mustang in my garage).

I have learned a lot about things of a mechanical nature, but I have also learned much about people too. Through this blog I hope to share some of what I have learned and how this applies to what we do here at Abbotsford Christian Middle School. In some ways problem solving with things is very different from dealing with people; people are much less predictable than things. However, there are a lot of similarities too. People and machines act a certain way or do certain things for a reason – it is part of how we all were designed. I like things, but that is not important. Rather, I work hard to love people as Christ taught us to.

I love my work here at ACMS! I appreciate the material blessings we have here, including all the mixers, amplifiers and speakers we have for chapels and other important events we host where sound systems are required. I enjoy tinkering and trying to make instruments and people sound good. But I am not the sound man.



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Hey Mr.Berger,
That’s funny how your a certified racket stringer but you don’t have certified sound techie. :)
See you at school