About Roy Van Eerden

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So far Roy Van Eerden has created 39 blog entries.
Oct 13, 2014

Roy, Teenagers, and Nicaragua

By |2014-10-13T19:11:45-07:00October 13, 2014|Elementary, Relationships, Secondary|0 Comments

I spend most of my working time around 3 to 12 year olds. That makes my job one of the best I can imagine. But I have also discovered I really like hanging out with teenagers. Most of the opportunities to do that in the last four years have been with my involvement in the [...]

Sep 9, 2014

3 Reasons I Take No Delight in the Strike

By |2014-09-09T05:36:03-07:00September 9, 2014|Elementary|0 Comments

I placed 14 new students in classes in the week before school started. It was very busy, but exciting, and unprecedented. While the reasons varied, there was a definite connection, in some cases, to the current situation in the public schools. While it is a blessing to welcome these families into ACES, I am saddened [...]

May 30, 2014

Mud, Meddling, and Make Believe

By |2014-05-30T07:25:48-07:00May 30, 2014|Elementary, Whole Child Education|0 Comments

“Yeah! My son came home covered in mud again. He wasn't pushed but said that he told the older boys he didn't want to slide but they kept on telling him to slide. I know the responsibility lies with him to walk away or speak up, but I can’t help thinking the other moms don’t appreciate the muddy clothes either. [...]

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