By Published On: August 27, 2024Categories: Leadership, School Vision0 Comments on PRESSING ON

They said the very first blog post of the year should not be depressing. It’s a good rule to follow, but one I decided to break anyway. And while this might seem like a downer of a way to start, this post is going to get inspirational, I promise. So, stick with me.

First, allow me to introduce myself; my name is Mike Riezebos and I’ll be serving as your interim Executive Director until June. This marks my 16th year at ACS, and I’m excited to serve alongside the board, leadership, and admin staff. I have three daughters, one at each campus, and my wife is a teacher at the elementary. We’re “all in” as a family at ACS. This school and community have a special place in our hearts.

A Season of Battles?

This year, our leadership team chose Hosea 6:3 as our theme verse:

“Let us acknowledge the Lord; let us press on to acknowledge him. As surely as the sun rises, he will appear; he will come to us like the winter rains, like the spring rains that water the earth.”

Tied to this, our theme song is Battle Belongs by Phil Wickham. I think the image of pressing on to acknowledge him and the reminder of God’s assured faithfulness is something we need to lean into as a school, and as Christians in this world.

Personally, this is something that resonates with me a lot.

Reflecting on this past season of my life (the last five years or so) have left me feeling powerless, and helpless at times. Leading our secondary campus through COVID, educating during the TSI Building Project, societal division, changes in leadership roles, the sudden death of my mother, and a recent cancer diagnosis within my family. It feels like a season of battles that are beyond me. I need to remember that the battle belongs to the Lord.

The Sun WILL Shine

I think it’s been a difficult season for many of us.

If I’m honest, I don’t see a lot in the world that makes me think that this challenging season is over anytime soon…I know this is true for many of you who have been impacted by personal loss, COVID, societal and family divisions, polarizing politics, flooding, avian flu, interest rates, inflation, and I’m sure the list goes on. For many of us our relationships, finances, and feeling of stability have been significantly impacted.

I/we often feel powerless…maybe that’s the way it’s supposed to be….

I read something recently from a devotional from the Fuller de Pree Centre:

We all experience times when we feel as if our labour is in vain. It may be that the work for which we are paid is not going well. Or perhaps our efforts to raise our children feel painfully fruitless. In times when our labour seems to be in vain, we remember that we work for God’s purposes and pleasure. We entrust to the Lord the results of our work, knowing that we will be rewarded, not for our success but for our faithfulness to God.

We work for God’s purposes and pleasure; he will appear as sure as the sun will rise and the rain will come.

Press on towards God, because he’s inviting you to be driven closer to him.

Yes, I said, I was excited about this school year….
“Not a very inspiring first post, Mr. Interim Executive Director.”
“Where did you find this guy?😉

It’s not because of the hardships we’ve gone through or are going through, it’s the reminder and perspective that we need to acknowledge God and to press on in the assurance that he will appear just as the daily sunrise and the Fraser Valley rains will come.

So, will you join me in pressing on this year? Pressing on, not just to make it through, but to be reminded and take comfort in knowing God will appear.

Putting a LID On It

As we press on together, I’d like to invite you to be part of “Intermission with the Interim.” It’s an opportunity for me to connect with small groups of parents who have a heart for our school, to spend some time putting a LID on it. 😉

LOVE—What do we love about ACS?

IMPROVE—What can we do to improve ACS?

DREAM—What are our dreams for ACS?

If you would be interested in joining me at Intermission with the Interim, please sign up HERE. I’ll be in touch with more details about times, format, etc.

If you can’t join me at Intermission with the Interim, at least join me in looking at our upcoming rainy days, not as another day of rain, but as an assurance that God is in control, and he will appear.

I can’t wait for the next rainy day!



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