For many of our ACS families the parent-school partnership kicks off with a meeting in the principal’s office. Not because their child is in any trouble but because, as a school, we feel that partnering well with parents is a crucial component to creating a school community where students will flourish.

A Sweet Response

In a recent meeting with a future ACS family, I asked why they wanted their children to attend Abbotsford Christian School. Their response went something like this:

“We have concerns about our local catchment school. We’ve heard ACS is a great place. We have friends whose kids go there, and they love it. We think it’s probably a good match for our family. And the fact that you’re a Christian school, well, that’s just icing on the cake!”

Icing on the cake; isn’t that delicious?!

I’ve thought about their comment often and I’ve come to the conclusion that I don’t think they’re wrong. However, I also don’t think it’s the whole story.

For sure, the reality that our students start their day in prayer, have devotions with their class, attend chapel, read and learn Bible stories, memorize Scripture, and sing worship songs is a very important part of what makes us who we are. What a blessing that we are privileged to include these habits and practices into our school day.

But the fact that we are a Christian school is more than icing on the cake, it’s also the main ingredient.

Delicious Deep Hope

We strive to be a school where all of life and learning celebrates the truth that, “The earth is the Lord’s and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it” (Psalm 24:1).

In all areas of learning (literacy, numeracy, humanities, sciences, arts, trades, sports…you name it), as well as our relationships with one another, our teachers desire to provide experiences that reveal God’s dynamic design for the universe and proclaim Jesus is Lord. We challenge students to discern the culture in which they live and how they can positively influence it for God’s kingdom.

Our purpose, perhaps our deep hope, in educating children at Abbotsford Christian School, is to nurture and guide the child towards a trust in Jesus Christ, to attain understanding, wisdom, and righteousness, and to lead to responsible service to the Lord in all areas of life.

So, perhaps the “Christian Thing” around here is a little bit like sugar. It’s a main ingredient in the cake batter, but it’s also the icing on the cake.

And how sweet it is!



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Christina Alicandro

Great perspective 🍰

Monique bellamy

This just made me want cake. The Christian thing too, i want that too. Bless you sister.