Celebrate first. That’s the motto to live by.

But it goes against my nature to celebrate when the hand dryers are blasting 150dB of noise in 10-second spurts between explosions of chatter from the seemingly thousands of children who use those bathrooms and dryers right when I need to try and write a blog.

Instead of celebrating, I close my door and begin drafting. Suddenly, I get a text from a colleague saying, “There’s dog poo on the field, and Roy is in a meeting. Can you please clean it up?”

Sigh. Celebrate first? More like grumble and complain about smells and sounds that shouldn’t exist in a school…. The decibels and dog doo have got me down.

A Shovel Holding Revelation

I realize then, like most humans, I sound like the Israelites, grumbling and complaining, despite the fact that our respective freedom has been granted to us in astounding, awe-inspiring ways.

My heart begins to soften.

While trudging down the hallways with the infamous shovel, I stop in my tracks by the sheer beauty displayed on every wall in this building. Every class has created and carefully curated thought-provoking, stunning, celebration-first-worthy work!

Instead of taking the direct route to the canine waste, I detour, taking the longer—and much quieter—route through all the hallways. Some of the beautiful works I saw on display in our art gallery were:

  • Kindergarten Family Portraits—If you ever get too vain, just look at yourself through a kindergarten student’s artistic abilities. You will be humbled, but boy, will you feel loved!
  • Grade 1 Ephemeral Art—Photos of objects found outside and arranged to make temporary pieces of art. Completely biodegradable art!
  • Grade 2 Poppy Art—Students seriously showing gratitude for the freedoms and peace we can so easily take for granted!
  • UP class Line & Colour Art—Creations capturing energy and movement through the varied use of colour and lines!
  • Grade 3 Place Value Art—Students combining knowledge of 1000’s, 100’s, 10’s and 1’s into the widest and wildest assortment of creatures!
  • Grade 4 Collective Noun pictures—Who knew that group-naming nouns combined with watercolour backgrounds could be so beautiful! You should really see the “Prickle of Porcupines.”
  • Grade 5 Coat of Arms—An amazing display of creativity as students try to capture their identity through this format, complete with mottos and supports. Such detail!

Now I continue my trek to the field, celebrating the wonder of walking our hallways. I smile, knowing that despite the sight that awaits me and my shovel and the sounds that await my return to the office, I have caught glimpses of how the image bearing students have emulated their Creator—crafting, creating, and proclaiming: “It is good!



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T. Beulens

This was a very grounding perspective. THANK YOU!

Monica deRegt

I love this! I am always amazed at the beautiful and creative art offerings I see every time I am walking the halls at the elementary. What a gift to our children that you are not only teaching them to create it, but that they are surrounded by it and taught to appreciate art and beauty in all subjects.

Sophia Van Dorp

What a great reminder of blessings and celebration in a time when we all might feel bogged down with ‘all the things.’