By Published On: February 1, 2024Categories: Celebrating0 Comments on THOSE WERE THE DAYS…

I began attending ACS in grade 1. My sister Linda, my brother Ken, and I walked at least 2 km to the end of Harris and Beharrell Road to the old wooden bus stop every day, there and back…okay, maybe not 2 km, but at least 1.5 km rain or shine. The yellow Ridgedale bus was driven by Mrs. Gertie Pool who picked us up everyday.

Mrs. Pool was the most patient lady I ever knew. We were a loud, rambunctious bunch of kids. I don’t remember her ever raising her voice, but as a warning to settle us down, she would take her foot off the gas and say, “Must I get angry?” and then she would laugh.

At Christmastime she would string candy canes on a string by the front window and when we would get off the bus, we could pick one off the line. She drove that bus for many, many years.

Sewing Diapers & Hot Dog Days

I attended the Heritage campus for my elementary years. The girls had sewing classes downstairs in the old gym while the boys had gym time above us. We could hear them running around while I attempted to sew a straight line on the diapers we had to make. Sewing was taught by the older ladies of the church’s Women’s Circle. Come to think of it, they were probably the age I am now!

Hot dog days were extra special as they only happened once or twice a year. We couldn’t wait for our hot dog (usually it was cold by the time they were handed out) wrapped in a white napkin, bag of chips, and a chocolate milk. The students ate in the classrooms unless it was a special day like sports day. Then we ate outside. What a treat!

One of my most treasured memories is the annual Christmas program held in the original First CRC Church. There were lots of Christmas carols, singing by the elementary school choir, and of course, the traditional Christmas story with angels and shepherds.

After the program, elders from the church would hand out paper lunch bags filled with a mandarin orange wrapped in green paper, nuts in the shell, and hard candy.

Driving, Typing & Dancing

High school was more than shoulder pads, big hair, and the jean jacket gang (which everyone was terrified of…).

Everyone had to take typing class with Ms. Hitchcock. We started with manual typewriters and eventually upgraded to electric ones. What a luxury. We had to type 50 words a minute. Let me tell you there was a lot of white out used, eraser rolls, and jammed keys!

And when we finally got our full driver’s license, we drove to school in our parent’s cars, then cram as many people as possible into our cars and drive to the McDonald’s on Sumas Way during lunch break. On the return trip, nothing like some pulling up to a stop light, everyone in the car getting out and circling the car and jumping back in to add a little excitement.

My class (class of 1987) was the first class to have a school sanctioned dance…this was a big undertaking. We met with various teachers and even wrote a letter to the board…because you know dancing leads to other things. Eventually they agreed. The dance was held at the Davy Crockett (anyone remember this?) The DJ was a parent from the community and the songs were screened. No bad words allowed or suggestive lyrics.

We paved the way for all the generations to come…. Special memories for sure.



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