On the first day of vacation, my children brought to me;
a tree that is slowly leaning
On the second day of vacation, my children brought to me;
two found report cards
On the third day of vacation, my children brought to me;
three half-full lunch kits
On the fourth day of vacation, my children brought to me;
four fallen ornaments
On the fifth day of vacation, my children brought to me;
five golden crafts
On the sixth day of vacation, my children brought to me;
six silly stories
On the seventh day of vacation, my children brought to me;
seven swords a slashing
On the eighth day of vacation, my children brought to me;
eight endless wish lists
On the ninth day of vacation, my children brought to me;
nine nasty colds
On the tenth day of vacation, my children brought to me;
ten Christmas programs
On the eleventh day of vacation, my children brought to me; Â
eleven lazy mornings
On the twelfth day of vacation, my children brought to me;
the true Christmas story
Love it Cheryl! Love the kids pictures. :)