The Rainbow Loom® craze started late for us—it came as a Christmas present for my daughter. But since then, not a day goes by that I haven’t seen or heard about these colourful elastic creations—at home and at school. The stores love them because revenue is high. The kids love them because it is the latest creative trend. But has anyone ever asked a mom her opinion?
The Pro: It keeps my kids busy. They could do this all day and night. They could eat, drink and breathe this stuff.
The Con: It keeps me busy. And I have more than enough to do already! Why doesn’t the box contain a warning that says it will take up your child’s time AND your time as you have to help them with it, sort out their mistakes, clean up the bracelets that are left everywhere, sweep up the ones on the ground…
The Pro: There are some fantastic books and tutorials that show kids how to make some really creative bracelets, charms and knick-knacks. They look remarkable on the wrists of the creators and friends.
The Con: No one asked me if I wanted to enlist this as a hobby. I have no choice but to explain the YouTube videos, clarify the words accented by the video hosts, and get the extra bands, beads and supplies the craft demands. I had to wait in line at Michaels again and still couldn’t use a coupon!
The Pro: There are a lot of great organizers and storage solutions for these looms and bracelets. Being a bit of an organization freak, this makes me smile! A lot!
The Con: How many times must I remind the kids they need to actually USE the storage case! I should not find them left on the table, on the ground, in the laundry, in the van…
The Pro: This is a craft for boys and girls alike. They all love it and do it together! I’ve heard many moms talk about their husbands being the ones helping their children make bracelets—it is such a nice bonding activity for the children and their Dad.
The Con: My husband missed the memo. My kids do not even try to enlist his help.
The Pro: The kids are sharing elastics, sharing bracelets, sharing ideas, sharing laughs, sharing books about it, sharing YouTube time, sharing conversations, sharing space.
The Con: Um…well…there isn’t a con for this at our place yet. And it kinda reminds me of my friendship bracelet-making days—way back when that was the craze. And I’m kind of hoping this sharing theme lasts for a very long time! Even if the Rainbow Loom® loses its popularity in the next months, I hope whatever comes next will be just as fun, creative, and cause my children to want to share it with others.
Thanks for those