Over spring break, our family had the privilege of travelling to Hawaii. It was a gift from Heidi’s parents to take some of their family with them to Honolulu.  It seemed unreal as we packed for it—but we did have the opportunity to spend 10 days on the trip of lifetime—one our kids will never forget.

On the first Sunday we were there, we elected to have “home church” on the lanai of our hotel room with just our family. Our son Toby decided to read one of his favourite passages, Psalm 8. “O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth. Your Glory fills the heavens, from the lips of children and infants you have ordained praise…When I consider the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him? You made man a little lower than the heavenly beings and crowned him with glory and honourO Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth.”

Hanauma BayThe following day, we went to Hanauma Bay, a world famous snorkeling beach that completely brought new meaning to the verses that our son had read to the family. It was an amazing application of this Scripture for us.  We had heard the stories, but ’till you actually experience swimming with sea turtles and moor-fish, you really can’t comprehend the beauty. Until we actually came face to face with a moray eel, we really couldn’t understand the sheer awe. Then we walked out of the bay (with a bloody scrapes on most of our knees from the coral reef) and turned around and saw the beautiful cove and the vast ocean, and we had one of those “moments” when you truly have a feel for God’s manifesting glory.

The snorkeling turned out to be the highlight of our trip for our family, and if our kids could choose one place to beI’m pretty sure we would go right back to that bay. Interestingly enough, at the end of each day, it was Heidi and I who were not ready to leaveand yes, Heidi even cried a little when she swam with “her” turtle. Yes, our family is in awe of the moon and the stars, but for us, in the context of our days in Hawaii,  the ocean is certainly filled with His Glory.