BY: MELISSA REDEKOP, ACS BOARD MEMBER I am flawed, imperfect, and at times, painfully aware of it.
BY: MELISSA REDEKOP, ACS BOARD MEMBER I am flawed, imperfect, and at times, painfully aware of it.
BY BETHANY BAKKER, GRADE 6 TEACHER My mom told me I wasn’t allowed to date anyone west of the Mississippi River. After all, I grew up in Wisconsin. I went to Dordt College in Iowa, met a guy from Chilliwack, got married, and moved to Canada a few years later. Now that I’ve lived here [...]
BY: NANCY HUMPHRIES It is so hard to believe that 28 years have passed since I first joined the ACS community to teach grade 2. Over the years I have also taught grade 1 and then Kindergarten. Each year brought a new group of children under my wings. Teaching young children is a bit like [...]
Eight years. That’s how long I was principal at ACS Secondary. These eight years have been good years, with many wonderful people and some incredible experiences. I probably could list 50 things that I learned as principal at ACS, but here are five of them. 1. God Works Through Us, Regardless of Our Mistakes This [...]
BY JUSTIN VERWOERD, EDUCATIONAL ASSISTANT When I started my job at ACS Middle, I thought it was perfect: work starts at 8:00 am, meal breaks at 10:30 am and 12 noon, and the weekly schedule is generally unchanging. I was cruising. The perfect job for me. Well, anyone who works at a school, has children, [...]
BY CAITLYN CHARLEBOIS, GRADE 12 STUDENT Fourteen years ago, I fell into a puddle during recess. One of my only memories of preschool was from that recess. I remember running from the small playground to the swing set across the field. Except—and maybe what was the worst moment of my life up until that point—I [...]
BY EMILIE DARBY, MUSIC SUPPORT SPECIALIST It's May. How on earth did that happen so fast? But alas, here we are, and as I pull the calendar month of April from above my desk and replace it with the tasks of May, I find myself marvelling at how quickly this year has sped by, and [...]
“What are you doing next year?” I have been asked this question many times over the past year. The more you answer, “I’m not sure…” the more difficult it becomes to get asked that question (just ask any grade 12 student; they will share this same feeling). But I understand those kids a little better [...]
BY SARAH BESSEY, ACS PARENT I didn’t realize how much I had internalized the lie that I should be all things to my tinies until I was unable to do it all. I spent a fair bit of tears as a young mother on the fallacy that I had to be the one who provided [...]
BY ANNA REDEKOP, ACS PARENT When our daughter, Sadie was 10 months old, she was not meeting several of her developmental milestones. So we took her for genetic testing. I remember sitting her on the ground in the doctor’s office and giving her a cracker thinking everything would be fine and the doctor was about [...]